



If you’ve been playing PC games in the last few years, the accumulated games in your Steam account are probably worth hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of dollars. Perhaps even more importantly, your Steam account might contain in-game items that can be traded for real-world cash…and thus, stolen with some very real consequences. So it’s a very good idea to apply Valve’s Steam Guard two-factor authentication to your account.

如果您最近几年一直在玩PC游戏,那么Steam帐户中累积的游戏可能价值几百美元(甚至数千美元)。 也许甚至更重要的是,您的Steam帐户可能包含可以在现实世界中交易的游戏内物品……因此,这些物品被盗了,带来了非常真实的后果。 因此,将Valve的Steam Guard两因素身份验证应用于您的帐户是一个非常好的主意。

Two-factor authentication, for those who don’t know, is an extremely important security feature you should enable on all of your accounts. It forces you to log in with not just a password (something you know), but a code from your phone (something you have). That way, if someone gets a hold of your password, they still won’t be able to get into your account.

对于不知道的人来说,两因素身份验证是一项非常重要的安全功能,您应该在所有帐户上启用该功能。 它迫使您不仅使用密码(您知道的东西),而且还通过手机中的密码(您拥有的东西)登录。 这样,即使有人获得了您的密码,他们仍将无法进入您的帐户。


To enable it in Steam, open your browser and log in to your Steam account. Click your account name in the upper right-hand corner, then click “account details.” Under the “Account Security” portion of the page, click “Manage Steam Guard account security.”

要在Steam中启用它,请打开浏览器并登录到Steam帐户。 单击右上角的帐户名称,然后单击“帐户详细信息”。 在页面的“帐户安全性”部分下,单击“管理Steam Guard帐户安全性”。


Alternatively, you can open the Steam desktop application, click the “Steam” menu item in the upper left-hand corner, then “Manage Steam Guard account security.”

或者,您可以打开Steam桌面应用程序,单击左上角的“ Steam”菜单项,然后单击“管理Steam Guard帐户安全性”。

选项一:通过电子邮件接收代码 (Option One: Receive Your Code via Email)

From this screen you can choose email codes or codes sent to the official Steam App on your smartphone. Click “Get Steam Guard Codes by email” if you don’t want to use your phone: you’ll be sent an email that looks like this one whenever you log in to Steam either on the web or via the desktop app.

在此屏幕上,您可以选择电子邮件代码或发送到智能手机上官方Steam应用程序的代码。 如果您不想使用手机,请单击“通过电子邮件获取Steam Guard代码”:每当您通过网络或桌面应用程序登录Steam时,都会收到一封类似这样的电子邮件。


Copy the code from your email and put it into the field that appears on the login screen:



Click “submit” and you’re ready to go.


选项二:通过Steam Smartphone应用程序接收代码 (Option Two: Receive Your Code via the Steam Smartphone App)

For the mobile version of Steam Guard, download the app on your phone: here are the links for the Android version and the iPhone app.

对于移动版的Steam Guard,请在手机上下载该应用程序:以下是Android版本iPhone应用程序的链接。


On your phone, log in with your standard Steam account and password. If you already have Steam Guard set up via email, you’ll need to check your inbox for another access code before continuing.

在您的手机上,使用您的标准Steam帐户和密码登录。 如果您已经通过电子邮件设置了Steam Guard,则需要在继续检查之前检查收件箱中是否包含其他访问代码。


Tap the side menu button, then “Steam Guard,” the first item below your Steam username. Tap “add authenticator,” then enter the phone number of the device you’re currently using. Tap “add phone.”

点击侧面菜单按钮,然后点击“ Steam Guard”(Steam用户名下方的第一项)。 点按“添加身份验证器”,然后输入您当前正在使用的设备的电话号码。 点击“添加电话”。


You should receive a text message right away. Enter the code within in the next screen, and tap “Submit.”

您应该立即收到一条短信。 在下一个屏幕中输入代码,然后点击“提交”。


On the next screen you’re given a recovery code. This is separate from the codes you’ll receive whenever you log in to Steam on your computer: it’s a permanent means of recovering your account if you should lose your phone. Take the app’s advice and put the code somewhere secure.  Press “Done” when you’re ready.

在下一个屏幕上,您将获得一个恢复代码。 这与您在计算机上登录Steam时收到的代码是分开的:如果您丢失手机,这是恢复帐户的永久方法。 遵循应用程序的建议并将代码放在安全的地方。 准备好后,按“完成”。


Now when you log in to your Steam account on any device, you’ll need to open the Steam app on your phone and tap “Steam Guard” in the menu. Note that the code cycles continuously: if you don’t enter it in time on your computer or other device, you’ll need to use the next code that appears as the timer resets.

现在,当您在任何设备上登录Steam帐户时,都需要在手机上打开Steam应用程序,然后在菜单中点击“ Steam Guard”。 请注意,代码会不断循环:如果您没有在计算机或其他设备上及时输入代码,则需要使用计时器重置时显示的下一个代码。

