Facilitating Exploration with Interaction Snapshots under High Latency
发布release 用户A将代码打包到RELEASE仓库。用户B使用时,需要在pom.xml添加jar包的依赖坐标。如果用户A将jar包版本从1.0升级到2.0,用户B使用时也需要在pom.xml中修改坐标版本。但是RELEASE表示是稳定版本,是经过测试以后才会发布的,通常不会频繁地升级版本。 快...
SQL Server 2005 – Automating Creation of Database Snapshots
UPDATE:上一文另一版本SQL Server 2005 is packed with many new features. One of the new features that I would like to discuss in this article is Database Snaps...
Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots
环境:centos7+nginx+php-fpm+redis+memcached网站:xx.dragon.com场景:早上开始,网站叮咣的一通告警,直接503.重启了服务不行,果断清了缓存。但没过多久又出现同样的问题经查php告警日志发现:php报错:[05-Sep-2017 09:43:49] W...
给AngularJS官网入门教程的angular-phonecat-snapshots实例增加浏览历史的功能。效果如下:具体实现:1.修改phone-list.html,增加view<div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-flu...
13:16 Emulator: Warning: Quick Boot / Snapshots not supported on this machine.
13:16Emulator: Warning: Quick Boot / Snapshots not supported on this machine. A CPU with EPT + UG features is currently needed. We will address this i...
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