


struct TOP{}; 
struct L : TOP{}; 
struct R : TOP{}; 
struct LL : L{}; 
struct LR : L{}; 
struct RL : R{}; 
struct RR : R{}; 

是否可以写一元函数,它会返回两种类型的共同基础的类型? (如果没有公共基类存在,它可能会返回void。) 例如

common_base<RR, R>::type == R 
common_base<RL, RR>::type == R 
common_base<LL, RR>::type == TOP 
common_base<LL, std::string>::type == void 



struct LR : L{using base = L;}; 




'common_base :: type'是'RR'还是'R'? –


@JamesRoot,'RR'。 – alfC

在某些时候basesdirect_bases在std :: tr2 but that wasn't included。某些版本的gcc拥有它。使用这些也许你可以得到你想要的。


感谢您的指针。我使用'#include '(...'6.3.1/tr2/type_traits:90:45:致命错误:'_Tp'不引用一个值 typedef __reflection_typelist <__ bases> type;') – alfC


GCC链接:https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.7.2/libstdc++/api/a00909.html – alfC


@alfC您可能会有更好的运气如果你降级到gcc 4.8.0或类似的东西。 – Pavel


template <class T1, class T2> 
struct CommonBase; 


struct Child : Parent { using base = Parent; }; //typedef works too 


例如:CommonBase<RL, RR>会经过以下检查:

RL != RR 
RL != R 
RL != Top 
R != RR 
R == R 

所以CommonBase<RL, RR>::type == R。如果没有共同基地,type == void


#include <type_traits> 

template <class T> 
struct GetBase //type = T::base, or else void 
    template <class TT> static typename TT::base& f(int); 
    template <class TT> static void f(...); 
    typedef std::remove_reference_t<decltype(f<T>(0))> type; 

template <class T1, class T2> 
struct Compare2 //Compares T1 to every base of T2 
    typedef typename GetBase<T2>::type _type; 
    template <class T, bool = !std::is_same<T, void>::value> 
    struct helper 
     typedef typename Compare2<T1, T>::type type; 
    template <class T> 
    struct helper<T, false> 
     typedef void type; 
    typedef typename helper<_type>::type type; 

template <class T> 
struct Compare2<T, T> 
    typedef T type; 

template <class T1, class T2> 
struct Compare1 //Uses Compare2 against every base of T1 
    typedef typename GetBase<T1>::type _type; 
    template <class T, bool = !std::is_same<T, void>::value> 
    struct helper 
     typedef typename Compare1<T, T2>::type type; 
    template <class T> 
    struct helper<T, false> 
     typedef void type; 
    typedef std::conditional_t<std::is_same<typename Compare2<T1, T2>::type, void>::value, typename helper<_type>::type, typename Compare2<T1, T2>::type> type; 

template <class T> 
struct Compare1<T, T> //Probably redundant 
    typedef T type; 

template <class T1, class T2> 
struct CommonBase //You can throw a std::enable_if on this to limit it to class types 
    typedef typename Compare1<T1, T2>::type type; 
