



“c1-mc-”将始终是名称的前缀。我希望我可以使用一个函数,在该函数中我可以指定对于以“c1-mc”开头并以vbLf(enter)结尾的每个子串,提取这些子串。 我认为Instr()和Split()可以帮助但不知道如何继续。

"Str: 1/2/1 
End : 1/2/2 
Name: cl-mc-23223322 
Name: c1-mc-dddssda 
Info: alot of detail 
Name: c1-asa-dddssda 
task: asdf 
Name: c1-mc-xd132eds" 

<the code which works>  
For Each rng1 In table1.DataBodyRange.Columns(8).Cells 

MyString = rng1.Value 
Do Until InStr(MyString, "c1-mc") = 0  
namestart = InStr(MyString, "c1-mc") 
name = Mid(MyString, namestart) 
nameend = InStr(name, vbLf) - 1 
name = Left(name, nameend) 'this gives you a name 
namestart = InStr(name, "c1-mc") 
name = Mid(name, namestart) 
nameend = InStr(name, " ") - 1 
If (nameend = -1) Then 
nameend = Len(name) 
End If 
name = Left(name, nameend) ' gives you name incase there are no next lines 
MyString = Replace(MyString, name, "") 'this cuts the original string so it now starts where the name ended. 
MsgBox name 
i = i + 1 

如果你正在做大量的这个,你可能会发现寻找到正规表达式在VBA中的使用。它允许根据标准对字符串进行各种切片和切块。这是[一个优秀的职位](http://*.com/questions/22542834/how-to-use-regular-expressions-regex-in-microsoft-excel-both-in-cell-and-loops)上话题。 –


您向我展示的字符串是:“Str:1/2/1End:1/2/2Name:cl-mc-23223322Name:c1-mc-dddssdaInfo:很多详细信息名称:c1-asa-dddssdatask:asdfName:c1 -mc-xd132eds“字符串中没有”进入“。也许你的意思是“Str:1/2/1”&vbLF&“End:1/2/2”&vbLF&“Name:cl-mc-23223322”&vbLF ... –


@Byron感谢您的参考。 –



Dim name as string 
Dim namestart as integer 
Dim nameend as integer 

namestart = Instr(Mystring, "c1-mc-") 
name = Mid(Mystring, namestart + 1) 
nameend = Instr(Mystring, vbLF) 
name = Left(name, nameend) 


编辑2: 既然你要提取的名称的所有实例在你的,我会把它改成这样:

Dim name as string 
Dim namestart as integer 
Dim nameend as integer 
Dim namearray() as string 
Dim i as integer 

Do Until Instr(Mystring, "c1-mc-") = 0 'will continue filling the array until Mystrign no longer has any names) 
    namestart = Instr(Mystring, "c1-mc-") 
    name = Mid(Mystring, namestart + 1) 
    nameend = Instr(Mystring, vbLF) 
    name = Left(name, nameend) 'this gives you a name 
    Mystring = Mid(Mystring, Instr(Mystring, name)) 'this cuts the original string so it now starts where the name ended. 
    namearray(i) = name 
    i = i + 1 

我在我的问题中发布的字符串是描述事件的列的单元格值。可以有大约4000-5000行具有相同的字段。 在我的问题中,您可以看到名称I.E“c1-mc-23223322”等4个实例。我想要在数组中提取所有名称。 您上面发布的代码,我如何使用它在单元格值上运行多次? – Tan12


@Byron谢谢你,我也会看看正则表达式 – Tan12


我的编辑能帮助你吗?现在它应该取得单元格中的所有名称(我还没有对它进行测试,所以有一个可能性就是要将+1添加到字符位置,例如,使用debug.print来确定添加的内容什么是剪切。) –