分享链接facebook更新状态墙使用c#(facebook SDK)


我正在搜索三天,但没有找到我的问题的解决方案。我希望你能帮我解决我的问题。分享链接facebook更新状态墙使用c#(facebook SDK)


string[] extendedPermissions = new[] { "publish_stream", "offline_access" }; 
var fbLoginDialog = new FacebookLoginDialog(appId, extendedPermissions); 
if (fbLoginDialog.FacebookOAuthResult != null) { 
    if (fbLoginDialog.FacebookOAuthResult.IsSuccess) { 
    var fb = new FacebookClient(fbLoginDialog.FacebookOAuthResult.AccessToken); 
     dynamic result = fb.Get("/me"); 
     string firstName = result.first_name; 
     string lastName = result.last_name; 
     string id = result.id; 
     dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); 
     parameters.message = "Check out this funny article"; 
     parameters.link = "http://www.example.com/article.html"; 
     parameters.picture = "http://www.example.com/article-thumbnail.jpg"; 
     parameters.name = "Article Title"; 
     parameters.caption = "Caption for the link"; 
     parameters.description = "Longer description of the link"; 
     parameters.actions = new { name = "View on Zombo", link = "http://www.zombo.com", }; 
     parameters.privacy = new { value = "ALL_FRIENDS", }; 
     parameters.targeting = new { countries = "US", regions = "6,53", locales = "6", }; 
     dynamic result1 = fb.Post("me/feed", parameters); 


  • 变化parameters.privacy = new { value = "CUSTOM"};,看看有没有什么帮助。
  • 确保朋友在定位列表中有资格。
  • 请确保您的应用不处于沙盒模式,否则只有该应用的开发人员/测试人员才能看到该应用的帖子。