


我开发的JavaScript的InDesign插件。 在插件存在的窗口中,放置了ListBox组件。 如何将上下文菜单添加到我的ListBox组件?


只是可以肯定,你正在开发C++插件或ScriptUI窗口? – Loic


我在ScriptUI中开始了。 – Alex


我不认为有任何东西像上下文菜单,但你可以通过创建一个新窗口点击没有边框和其他任何花哨的东西(鼠标悬停...)来伪造一个。不容易,但以某种方式可以实现。你有没有考虑过扩展? – Loic


//A sugar to color groups 
var o = { 
\t paintItem:function(o,c){ 
\t \t \t var r = (c && c.r) || Math.round (Math.random()*10)/10; 
\t \t \t var g = (c && c.g) || Math.round (Math.random()*10)/10; 
\t \t \t var b = (c && c.b) || Math.round (Math.random()*10)/10; 
\t \t \t var a = (c && c.a) || 1; 
\t \t \t o.graphics.backgroundColor = o.graphics.newBrush(o.graphics.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR,[r,g,b], a); 
\t \t }, 

//Main routine 
var main = function() { 
\t var w = new Window("dialog", "testingRightClickMenu"), 
\t g = w.add('group'), 
\t btn = g.add('button', undefined, "Cancel"); 
\t //Calling our rightClickMenu "factory" 
\t var rightClickMenu = rightClickWindow(w); 
\t rightClickMenu.visible = false; 
\t rightClickMenu.alignment = ["left","top"] ; 
\t //Mouse click events handler 
\t var handler = function(evt) { 
\t \t 
\t \t var screenX = evt.screenX; 
\t \t var screenY = evt.screenY; 
\t \t var fb = w.bounds; 
\t \t var x = screenX- fb[0]+2; 
\t \t var y = screenY- fb[1]+2; 
\t \t 
\t \t //If button click is actually a right click event 
\t \t if (evt.button==2) { 
\t \t \t 
\t \t \t //Displaying the right click menu to position x,y 
\t \t \t rightClickMenu.visible = true; 
\t \t \t rightClickMenu.location = [x,y]; 
\t \t } 
\t } 

\t //Setting some UI properties 
\t w.orientation = 'stack'; 
\t w.preferredSize = [500, 300]; 
\t g.alignment = ["fill","fill"]; 
\t //adding mouse click listener 
\t w.addEventListener ("click", handler, true); 
\t //HACK 
\t //adding listeners to sub level elements ended with bad behaviors 
\t //Instead we look at mouse pointer location 
\t //and hide right click menu if needed 
\t w.addEventListener ("mouseout", function(evt) { 
\t \t var x1 = rightClickMenu.location[0]; 
\t \t var x2 = x1+rightClickMenu.size.width; 
\t \t var y1 = rightClickMenu.location[1]; 
\t \t var y2 = y1+rightClickMenu.size.height; 
\t \t if (!rightClickMenu.visible) return; 
\t \t var mouseX = evt.screenX-w.bounds[0]; 
\t \t var mouseY = evt.screenY-w.bounds[1]; 
\t \t 
\t \t //basicallly checking if the pointer is somewhere else but over the right click menu 
\t \t if (mouseX<x1 
\t \t || 
\t \t mouseX > x2 
\t \t || 
\t \t mouseY < y1 
\t \t || 
\t \t mouseY > y2) rightClickMenu.hide(); 
\t \t 
\t }); 
\t w.show(); 

//Some color settings 
var colors = { 
\t grey : {r:240/255,g:240/255,b:240/255}, 
\t blue: {r:79/255,g:157/255,b:251/255}, 
\t transparent:{r:1,g:1,b:1, a:0}, 

//Our pseudo factory for the right click menu 
var rightClickWindow = function(p) { 

\t //Our pseudo "factory" for teh menu Items 
\t var getMenuItem = function(p, label){ 
\t \t var menuItem = p.add('group'), 
\t \t menuLabel = menuItem.add('statictext', undefined, label); 
\t \t menuItem.alignment = "fill"; 
\t \t 
\t \t //Dealing with mouse events 
\t \t menuItem.addEventListener ("mouseover", function() { 
\t \t \t o.paintItem (menuItem, colors.blue); 
\t \t \t menuLabel.graphics.foregroundColor = menuLabel.graphics.newPen (menuLabel.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 1, 1], 1); 
\t \t }); 
\t \t menuItem.addEventListener ("mouseout", function() { 
\t \t \t o.paintItem (menuItem, colors.grey); 
\t \t \t menuLabel.graphics.foregroundColor = menuLabel.graphics.newPen (menuLabel.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [0, 0, 0], 1); 
\t \t }); 
\t \t menuItem.addEventListener ("mousedown", function() { 
\t \t \t rightClickMenu.hide(); 
\t \t \t alert("You chose "+label); 
\t \t }); 
\t \t o.paintItem (menuItem, colors.grey); 
\t \t return menuItem; 
\t } 

\t //menu construction 
\t var rightClickMenu = p.add('group'), 
\t menuItem1 = getMenuItem(rightClickMenu, "MenuItem A"); 
\t menuItem2 = getMenuItem(rightClickMenu, "MenuItem B"); 
\t menuItem3 = getMenuItem(rightClickMenu, "MenuItem C"); 
\t rightClickMenu.maximumSize = [100,150]; 
\t //Menu UI properties 
\t rightClickMenu.orientation = "column"; 
\t rightClickMenu.alignment = "fill"; 
\t rightClickMenu.alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; 
\t rightClickMenu.margins = 5; 
\t o.paintItem (rightClickMenu, colors.grey); 

\t return rightClickMenu; 

//Running UI 
try { 
\t main(); 
catch(err) { 
\t alert(err.line+"//"+err.message); 

enter image description here


太棒了! 非常感谢,不幸的是我不能增加你的。但是,非常感谢! – Alex


好奇,为什么这样? – Loic


对不起))我失去了字“率”。真正的声音是“非常感谢,不幸的是我不能提高你的速度。” 因为我很专心访问这个网站。 – Alex