

即时消息来自C++的java新手,并且快速学习将chatbot转换为java android应用程序的不同实践。这个功能在这里强制关闭,如果它超过3个不同的单词,我不知道为什么。如果有人能帮我打败这个谜语,我会很高兴!如果给出超过3个字的话,Android文本函数forceclose

public void AI(String text) { 
// initiate new lists to be on the safe side 
List<String> indexer = new ArrayList<String>(); 
List<String> sentence = new ArrayList<String>(); 
List<String> explode = new ArrayList<String>(); 
List<String> ary = new ArrayList<String>(); 

explode = Arrays.asList(text.split(" ")); 

// initiate randint and trigger variable 
Random rand = new Random(); 
int randint = rand.nextInt(explode.size()); 

// initiate the trigger variable 
String trigger = explode.get(randint); 

    // check if word exists in database and add if it not. 
for(int i = 0; i < explode.size(); i++) { 
    String word = explode.get(i); 

if(common.get(word)==null) { 
         common.put(word, 1); 
         context.put(word, explode); 
         pos.put(word, i); 
         length.put(word, explode.size()); 

     // increase the weight of common if the word repeats 
         common.put(word, common.get(word)+1); 
    //check if context with index set as trigger is empty, if not, copy the arraylist to the ary variable 
    if(!context.get(trigger).isEmpty()) { 
      Collections.copy(ary, context.get(trigger));} 

    // fill the arraylist sentence with words to be used, some in context, some random from the database. 
for(int i2 = 0; i2 < length.get(trigger); i2++) { 

        randint = rand.nextInt(length.get(trigger)); 

if(randint < length.get(trigger)/2) { 
             if(ary.get(i2)!=null) { 


    // use to the pos-hashmap to check at which index the word was detected at, if not  place it at the deliberate index. 
for(int i3 = 0; i3 < sentence.size(); i3++) { 
              if(sentence.get(i3)!=null) {  
              indexer.add(pos.get(sentence.get(i3)), sentence.get(i3)); 

// compose the final string that is to be passed to the speak function 
for(int i4 = 0; i4 < indexer.size(); i4++) { 
say = say + indexer.get(i4)+" ";  

// pass the string to the speak function 
mTts.speak(say, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);  

// removing final string to be ready for next iteration 
    say = ""; 

// end of AI stuff   


05-26 17:40:08.266: E/AndroidRuntime(490): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception 
05-26 17:40:08.276: E/AndroidRuntime(490): java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 
05-26 17:40:08.276: E/AndroidRuntime(490): at java.util.Collections.copy(Collections.java:1593) 
05-26 17:40:08.276: E/AndroidRuntime(490): at sarah.namespace.SarahActivity.AI(SarahActivity.java:163) 


// arraylists 
public List<String> explode = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    public List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    public List<String> sentence = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    public List<String> indexer = new ArrayList<String>(); 
// hashmaps 
    public Map<String, Integer> common = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); 
public Map<String, List<String>> context = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); 
public Map<String, Integer> pos = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); 
public Map<String, Integer> length = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); 

// strings 
public String say; 


if(!context.get(trigger).isEmpty()) { 
      Collections.copy(ary, context.get(trigger));} 

当你得到一个'ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'时,只需在检查变量/循环的时候遍历代码(调试)。 – keyser


这是循环'for(int i = 0; i Sam


是的,这是获取内容的唯一场所! – user1419305

我还没有准确定位的问题,但我相信这种替代方法更快,应该躲开它。 (说实话,你的代码崩溃的第四个单词这只是奇怪,我相信还有更多的吧...反正?)

在Java for-each loops是更快,更简单,所以:

// check if word exists in database and add if it not. 
int i = 0; 
for(String word : explode) { 
    if(common.get(word) == null) { 
     if(word.equals(trigger)) { 
      ary = new ArrayList<String>(explode); 



if(context.get(trigger) != null && !context.get(trigger).isEmpty()) { 
    Collections.copy(ary, context.get(trigger)); 



谢谢队友!最后得到一个可能的解决方案让我非常开心!我在巴士atm,所以我会回来的结果,当我回家! :-) – user1419305


是的!工作!现在这条线路正在令人厌烦。 sentence.add(words.get(rand.nextInt(words.size()))); – user1419305


因为这是一个不同的问题,你应该问一个新的问题,并包括logcat错误,因为该行看起来不错(假设'单词'确实包含至少一个单词)... – Sam