

我无法从CodeIgniter视图中的$ info(如下所述)中检索值。无法从CodeIgniter的foreach循环中检索值

这里是场景: 我解释了所有的代码。

function info() { 
{...} //I retrieve results from database after sending $uid to model. 
    $dbresults = $this->my_model->get_info($uid); //Assume that this model returns some value. 

    foreach($dbresults as $row) { 
     $info = $row->address; //This is what I need to produce the results 
     $results = $this->my_model->show_info($info); 

    return $results; //This is my final result which can't be achieved without using $row->address. so first I have to call this in my controller. 


    // Now I want to pass it to a view 

    $data['info'] = $results; 
    $this->load->view('my_view', $data); 

    //In my_view, $info contains many values inherited from $results which I need to call one by one by using foreach. But I can't use $info with foreach because it is an Invalid Parameter as it says in an error. 


function info() { 
{...} //I retrieve results from database after sending $uid to model. 
    $dbresults = $this->my_model->get_info($uid); //Assume that this model returns some value 

$result = array(); 
    foreach($dbresults as $row) { 
     $info = $row->address; //This is what I need to produce the results 
     $result[] = $this->my_model->show_info($info); 


    // Now I want to pass it to a view 

    $data['info'] = $result; 
    $this->load->view('my_view', $data); 



<?php foreach ($info as $something):?> 


<?php endforeach;?> 

感谢您的帮助。 – Zim3r


foreach($dbresults as $row) { 
    $info = $row->address; //This is what I need to produce the results 
    $results[] = $this->my_model->show_info($info); 
    // return $results; remove this line from here; 

$data['info'] = $results; // now in view access by $info in foreach 
$this->load->view('my_view', $data); 

