


我已经在SQLite中启用了ICU支持并重建了Db引擎,现在呢?我通过执行导致Ä的SELECT UPPER(“ä”)检查了ICU支持。



The default configuration of SQLite only supports case-insensitive comparisons of ASCII 
characters. The reason for this is that doing full Unicode case-insensitive comparisons 
and case conversions requires tables and logic that would nearly double the size of the 
SQLite library. The SQLite developers reason that any application that needs full Unicode 
case support probably already has the necessary tables and functions and so SQLite should 
not take up space to duplicate this ability. 

Instead of providing full Unicode case support by default, SQLite provides the ability to 
link against external Unicode comparison and conversion routines. The application can 
overload the built-in NOCASE collating sequence (using sqlite3_create_collation()) and 
the built-in like(), upper(), and lower() functions (using sqlite3_create_function()). 
The SQLite source code includes an "ICU" extension that does these overloads. Or, 
developers can write their own overloads based on their own Unicode-aware comparison 
routines already contained within their project. 

OP说他/她已经使用ICU扩展,它提供了那些过载。怎么办? – Alicia 2013-08-20 04:26:32