

def main(): 
    #word = input("Word to guess for player 2:") 
    word = ['h','e','l','l','o'] 
    word2 = "hello" 
    #make a list of _ the same length as the word 
    display =[] 
    for i in range (0,len(word)): 

    chances = int(input("Number of chances to guess word:")) 
    if len(word)== 11: 
     print ("Your word is too long. It has to be 10 charecters or less") 
     word = word 
    if chances < len(word): 
     answer = input("Your word is {0} letters long , are you sure you don't want more chances? Yes or no?". format (len(word))) 
     if answer == "no": 
      chances= int(input("Number of chances:")) 
      chances = chances 
      ("Ok then lets continue with the game") 
    print ("Player 2, you have {0} chances to guess the word.". format (chances)) 
    won = False 
    underscore = False 
    while chances > 0 and won == False and underscore == False: 
     guess = input("Enter your guess: ") 

     for i in range (0,len(word)): 
      if guess == word[i]: 

     if not gC: 
      chances = chances - 1 

     display2 = "" 
     for i in display: 
      display2 = display2 + i + " " 

由于某些原因,当我声明我的while循环时,代码不起作用,因为游戏继续进行,直到用户用完猜测' 。有没有人有任何建议,我该如何解决这个问题?通过变量来检查它是否不包含字符串


使用'while while chances> 0而不是赢得和不下划线;测试是否永远不需要布尔型“== False”或“== True”。 – 2013-05-08 17:02:23



也强调从未设置为真,不知道是什么。 – VoronoiPotato 2013-05-08 16:58:41


我忘了在我的程序中包含这段代码:对于我在显示中: 如果“_”不在显示中: 下划线=真 如果不是下划线: won = True – thatcoolkid 2013-05-08 17:10:59


word = list('hello') # replaces manual splitting of string into letters 

display = [ '_' ] * len(word) # replaces build-up using for-loop 

chances = input("Number ... ") # already returns int if the user enters an int 
           # but will evaluate any valid python expression the 
           # user enters; this is a security risk as what 
           # ever is done this way will be done using your 
           # permissions 
chances = int(raw_input("Number ...")) # probably what you wanted 

    word = word # does nothing. remove this line and the "else:" above 

chances -= 1 # replaces 'chances = chances - 1' and does the same 

display2 = ' '.join(display) # replaces the for-loop to build display2 
