如何在Windows 10中将您喜欢的设置固定到开始菜单

如何在Windows 10中将您喜欢的设置固定到开始菜单

If you find you’re accessing the same settings over and over in Windows 10, you can add these settings to the Start menu as tiles for quick and easy access. We’ll show you how to do this.

如果发现要在Windows 10中反复访问相同的设置,则可以将这些设置作为磁贴添加到“开始”菜单中,以便快速,轻松地进行访问。 我们将向您展示如何执行此操作。

To pin a settings screen to the Start menu, open the Start menu and click “Settings”.


如何在Windows 10中将您喜欢的设置固定到开始菜单

Click on a settings category, such as “Update & Security”.


如何在Windows 10中将您喜欢的设置固定到开始菜单

On the screen for that settings category, a list of subcategories display on the left. To add a setting to the Start menu, right-click on the setting in the list and select “Pin to Start”.

在该设置类别的屏幕上,子类别列表显示在左侧。 要将设置添加到“开始”菜单,请右键单击列表中的设置,然后选择“固定到开始”。

如何在Windows 10中将您喜欢的设置固定到开始菜单

The setting is added to the bottom of the tiles on the right side of the Start menu, along with programs you’ve installed.


如何在Windows 10中将您喜欢的设置固定到开始菜单

Note that Microsoft changed the way you pin settings to the Start menu from previous builds. There used to be a thumbtack to the left of the search box on each settings screen that allowed you to pin the setting to the Start menu.

请注意,Microsoft从以前的版本更改了将设置固定到“开始”菜单的方式。 在每个设置屏幕上,搜索框左侧都曾经有一个图钉,可让您将设置固定在“开始”菜单上。

You can also customize the Start menu in several other ways.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/222141/how-to-pin-your-favorite-settings-to-the-start-menu-in-windows-10/