



Congratulations, you’ve successfully selected parts, assembled your own PC, and installed Windows! Now you can get to…whatever it is that you want to get to, I guess. Do gamers still “pown noobs?” Is that still a thing?

恭喜,您已经成功选择了零件组装了自己的PC安装了Windows ! 我想,现在您可以……想要的一切。 玩家是否仍然“扮成菜鸟?” 那还是一回事吗?

Actually, before you jump in to [noob farming and/or ranching/a 12-hour Pinterest binge/watching every Cracked video ever/reading more How-To Geek], you probably want to take a few minutes to update and protect your shiny new PC. Here are a few steps you should take before doing anything else.

实际上,在您跳入[菜鸟养殖和/或牧场/ 12小时的Pinterest狂饮/观看每部破裂的视频/阅读更多的How-To Geek]之前,您可能需要花几分钟的时间来更新和保护自己的光泽新电脑。 在执行其他任何操作之前,您应该采取以下步骤。

检查硬件 (Check Your Hardware)

Before we do anything else, check to make sure that all that hardware you installed is actually being detected by Windows. First, press the Windows button on your keyboard, then type “About.” Click the link to “About your PC” that appears in the Start menu.

在执行其他任何操作之前,请检查以确保Windows实际检测到您安装的所有硬件。 首先,按键盘上的Windows按钮,然后键入“关于”。 单击“开始”菜单中出现的“关于您的PC”链接。


You’ll see the PC’s name, the processor model and speed, and the amount of RAM detected by the system. The RAM is particularly crucial here: make sure the total matches what you installed. If it doesn’t, you may have a faulty RAM DIMM or one of them may not be properly seated. Shut down the PC and check the RAM on the motherboard.

您将看到PC的名称,处理器型号和速度,以及系统检测到的RAM数量。 RAM在这里尤为重要:确保总数与您所安装的匹配。 否则,您的RAM DIMM可能有故障,或者其中之一可能没有正确安装。 关闭计算机,然后检查主板上的RAM。

Next, press the Windows button and type “This PC,” then click the first result. Here you’ll see a list of all your account folders and the computer’s installed drives; make sure that the number of drives and their storage amount is the same as what you were expecting.

接下来,按Windows按钮并键入“ This PC”,然后单击第一个结果。 在这里,您会看到所有帐户文件夹和计算机已安装驱动器的列表。 确保驱动器的数量及其存储量与您期望的相同。


To check for other hardware components, like the graphics card or the front USB panel, press the Windows button and type “Device Manager” then click the first result. This window has a nested list of every single component installed in your computer, including all the little stuff on your motherboard you probably haven’t even thought about. If you’re looking for something specific, just check under the relevant label. For example, graphics cards are listed under “Display Adapters.”

要检查其他硬件组件,例如图形卡或USB前面板,请按Windows按钮并键入“设备管理器”,然后单击第一个结果。 此窗口包含计算机中安装的每个单个组件的嵌套列表,包括您可能根本没有想到的主板上的所有小东西。 如果您正在寻找特定的东西,只需检查相关标签下的内容即可。 例如,图形卡在“显示适配器”下列出。


If anything is connected, but not recognized or installed with an appropriate driver, it will show up with a yellow icon and sometimes be labelled “Unknown device.” You’ll need to track down a driver for it.

如果已连接任何东西,但未识别出或未安装适当的驱动程序,它将以黄色图标显示,有时标记为“未知设备”。 您需要为此找到一个驱动程序


保持Windows更新 (Keep Windows Updated)

Yes, updating Windows is time-consuming and boring. It’s also one of the most important parts of keeping your computer running well. And since Microsoft updates the operating system more frequently than they do the Windows ISO or the Media Creation Tool, you probably need some updates right off the bat.

是的,更新Windows既费时又无聊。 这也是保持计算机正常运行的最重要部分。 而且,由于Microsoft更新操作系统的频率比Windows ISO或Media Creation Tool的更新频率高,因此您可能需要立即进行一些更新。

Luckily, this is a really easy process. Press the Windows key on your keyboard, type “updates,” then click on the first result in the Start menu, “Check for Updates.”

幸运的是,这是一个非常简单的过程。 按键盘上的Windows键,键入“更新”,然后在“开始”菜单中单击“检查更新”中的第一个结果。


This is the Windows Update section of the Windows 10 settings menu. Just click “Check for updates” and the OS will call out to Microsoft’s servers and download the latest necessary files, then install them. You may need to reboot in order to actually apply the larger updates.

这是Windows 10设置菜单的Windows Update部分。 只需单击“检查更新”,操作系统就会调出Microsoft服务器并下载最新的必要文件,然后安装它们。 您可能需要重新启动才能实际应用较大的更新。


Windows 10 has a nasty habit of rebooting itself without your permission if it’s sat too long with un-applied updates. Here’s how to solve that problem.

如果Windows 10安装了未应用的更新时间过长,则有一个讨厌的习惯,即在未经您许可的情况下重新启动自身。 这是解决该问题的方法

设置防病毒和防恶意软件 (Set Up Your Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software)

Back when I started building PCs, everyone seemed to have a different recommendation for anti-virus and firewall programs. But things have gotten a lot simpler since then. Microsoft has developed its own built-in antivirus solution that comes free with Windows, and it’s actually pretty great. It’s called Windows Defender. You don’t even need to do anything to keep it working—Windows Update will keep its list of harmful viruses, *s, and other nasty stuff updated automatically, and it will alert you if it detects anything. You can check out this guide for more on how to use and configure Windows Defender though, if you like.

当我开始建造PC时,似乎每个人对于防病毒和防火墙程序都有不同的建议。 但是从那以后事情变得简单了很多。 微软已经开发了自己的内置防病毒解决方案,该解决方案随Windows一起免费提供,并且实际上非常棒。 它称为Windows Defender 。 您甚至无需执行任何操作即可使其正常运行-Windows Update将自动更新其有害病毒,特洛伊木马和其他令人讨厌的东西的列表,并在检测到任何东西时提醒您。 您可以根据需要查看本指南,以获取更多有关如何使用和配置Windows Defender的信息。


Likewise, the built-in firewall for Windows (also under the “Defender” brand name) is more than adequate. And like Windows Defender, it it’s up and running by default, will update itself in the background, and third-party applications will alert you if they request permission to access outside servers as you go along. For advanced firewall management, check out this guide.

同样,用于Windows的内置防火墙(也使用“ Defender”品牌名称)绰绰有余。 与Windows Defender一样,它默认情况下已启动并运行,并且会在后台进行自我更新,并且第三方应用程序会在您请求访问外部服务器的权限时向您发出警报。 有关高级防火墙管理, 请参阅本指南


All that said, while Windows’ built-in tools are pretty good, we also recommend installing Malwarebytes Anti-Malware as well. It’s a bit more aggressive than Windows’ built-in tools, especially when it comes to stopping browser exploits and things like that. Think of it this way: Windows Defender is designed to stop malware you put on your system, Malwarebytes is designed to stop malware before it even gets to your system.

综上所述,尽管Windows的内置工具相当不错,但我们也建议您还安装Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 。 它比Windows内置工具更具侵略性,尤其是在停止浏览器漏洞之类的事情时。 可以这样考虑:Windows Defender旨在阻止您放置在系统上的恶意软件,Malwarebytes旨在在恶意软件还未进入系统之前就将其阻止。

If you want always-on protection—and we highly recommend it—you’ll need to pay for Malwarebytes Premium for $40 per year. You download Malwarebytes for free and run occasional scans, but Malwarebytes’ real power comes from its anti-exploit protection. You can get a beta version of anti-exploit for free  to run alongside Malwarebytes’ free version, and this will at least get you some—but not all—of the protection of the premium version.

如果您想要始终在线保护(我们强烈建议您这样做),则需要每年支付40美元来购买Malwarebytes Premium 。 您可以免费下载Malwarebytes并偶尔运行扫描,但是Malwarebytes的真正功能来自其反漏洞保护功能。 您可以免费获得beta版本的反漏洞攻击程序,与Malwarebytes的免费版本一起运行,这至少将为您提供(但不是全部)高级版本的保护。


保护驱动器 (Secure Your Drives)

If you’re keeping any personal information on your computer at all, you’ll want to encrypt your storage drives. Encryption is a security measure that allows you, and only you, to access that data. Anyone without your password or other identifying information won’t have access to it even if they steal your computer or drive—the only option they’ll have is to completely wipe it.

如果您要在计算机上保留所有个人信息,则需要对存储驱动器进行加密。 加密是一种安全措施,它允许您(只有您自己)访问该数据。 没有密码或其他标识信息的任何人都不会访问它,即使他们窃取了您的计算机或驱动器,唯一的选择就是彻底擦除它。


Windows 10 Pro has a built-in encryption tool called Bitlocker. It’s really easy to set up: go to the “This PC” folder in Windows Explorer, right-click on any drive, and then click “Turn on BitLocker.” You’l then be asked to create password (it can be different from your Windows password) or use a flash drive as an unlock key.

Windows 10 Pro具有称为Bitlocker的内置加密工具。 设置非常容易 :转到Windows资源管理器中的“ This PC”文件夹,右键单击任何驱动器,然后单击“打开BitLocker”。 然后,系统将要求您创建密码(该密码可以与Windows密码不同)或使用闪存驱动器作为解锁**。

Note that the cheaper Windows 10 Home release doesn’t include BitLocker features. If you want extra protection, you’ll need to either upgrade your license (available from the “About your PC” settings menu) or encrypt your drive with a third-party program like VeraCrypt.

请注意, 便宜的Windows 10 Home版本不包含BitLocker功能 。 如果您需要额外的保护,则需要升级许可证(可从“关于您的PC”设置菜单中获得)或使用第三方程序(如VeraCrypt ) 对驱动器进行加密

你完成了! (You’re Done!)

Now you can do more or less whatever you want with your PC, safe in the knowledge that it’s about as secure and clean as it can be. You’ll probably want to start by installing the Chrome or Firefox web browser (if you didn’t already do that before installing drivers…heh). You may also want to check out these essential Windows articles for more ideas:

现在,您将可以或多或少地使用自己的PC进行任何操作,同时又要知道它的安全性和清洁性就可以做到安全。 您可能需要先安装ChromeFirefox Web浏览器(如果在安装驱动程序之前还没有这样做的话……嘿)。 您可能还需要查看以下重要Windows文章,以获取更多建议:

You can see even more Windows tweaks and guides at our Windows portal. Enjoy your new PC!

您可以在我们的Windows门户上看到更多Windows调整和指南。 享受您的新PC!

If you want to jump back to another part in the guide, here’s the whole thing:


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/building-a-new-computer-part-5-tweaking-your-new-computer/
