一些SAP CRM和C4C顾问应聘的面试题

We have checked your resume and most of your project experience are based SAP consulting. However working within SAP Labs means another completely different story.

In my humble opinion, the consulting project focus more on the feature delivery to our customer, while during standard development, the process and quality control also plays a very important role as well.

  1. In C4C we have different UI style, Silverlight UI, HTML5 UI and Responsive UI - RUI, what is the fundamental difference among them?
  2. In C4C project implementation, we create new UI via UI Designer. In CRM WebUI we develop UI via WebClient UI component workbench. How is the objects we developed using these tools are converted to the native HTML source code in the runtime?
  3. Have you ever touched the backend stuff of C4C? Would you please compare with the C4C backend BO modelling with Genil modelling in CRM?
  4. Calculated field in C4C and CRM. How they are implemented? For example, calculated field in CRM is implemented by BRF+.
  5. your understanding about difference between ABAP and Java? How the report/ program you have written in SE38/Eclipse loaded in the runtime and got executed?
  6. Experienced in troubleshooting and performance tuning - can you please give some example?
    How to use SAT to measure UI transaction performance?
  7. Architecture of One Order framework: set and extension.
    Extensions are data segments which exclusively belong to the header or to an item. We therefore distinguish header extensions and item extensions. Event callback design in CRM?
  8. common design pattern - Singleton, factory, visitor, observer
    How to use JavaScript to implement Singleton and Inheritance? ES6? ECMAScript 6?
    ECMAScript (or ES) is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262 and ISO/IEC 16262. It was created to standardize JavaScript, so as to foster multiple independent implementations.
  9. difference between SOAP and OData?


一些SAP CRM和C4C顾问应聘的面试题