chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

chrome 网页截图

Would you like to take great screenshots of a webpage, annotate them, and share them, all from Chrome?  Here’s how you can do it with the Awesome Screenshot addon.

您是否想从Chrome浏览器中截取精美的网页截图,为它们添加注释并进行共享? 这是使用Awesome Screenshot插件的方法。

Whether you’re a budding tech writer or just trying to show your Mom how to send an email, there are many reasons you might want to take a screenshot of a webpage.  Want to show a friend a neat webapp or you found, or tell your Twitter friends about a new Google feature you discovered? One of the best ways is to take a screenshot and share it.  Many of us have tried to save a purchase receipt page or product key, only to find that the web page looks scrambled when you later open it.  Take a screenshot, and it’ll always look picture-perfect.  There are many ways you can take screenshots, but let’s look at a great way to take and annotate screenshots of webpages directly in the Chrome browser.

无论您是一位刚起步的技术作家,还是只是想向妈妈展示如何发送电子邮件,都有许多原因可能需要截取网页的屏幕截图。 想要向朋友展示一个纯净的Web应用程序或您发现它,或者向您的Twitter朋友介绍您发现的一项新Google功能? 最好的方法之一是拍摄并分享截图。 我们中的许多人都试图保存购买收据页面或产品**,却发现后来打开该页面时,该页面看起来混乱了。 截取屏幕截图,它将始终看起来完美。 您可以采用多种方法来截取屏幕截图,但是让我们看一种直接在Chrome浏览器中截取和注释网页屏幕截图的好方法。

Getting Started


Install the Awesome Screenshot addon (link below) from the Google Chrome Extensions gallery as usual.

像往常一样从Google Chrome扩展程序库安装Awesome Screenshot插件( 下面的链接 )。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

Now you’ll see a new lens icon in your toolbar.  Click it and then choose to capture the visible part of the page or to capture the entire page.

现在,您将在工具栏中看到一个新的镜头图标。 单击它,然后选择捕获页面的可见部分或捕获整个页面。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

If you choose Visible Part, it’ll only capture exactly what you can see right then in Chrome.  If, however, you select Capture Entire Page, you’ll see a Capturing notification while the page automatically scrolls down.

如果您选择Visible Part ,那么它将仅捕获您随后在Chrome中看到的内容。 但是,如果您选择“ 捕获整个页面” ,则在页面自动向下滚动时会看到“ 捕获”通知。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

The capture will only take a moment, and then will open in a new tab, complete with tools to help you annotate your screenshot.


chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

Here’s a closeup of the toolbar.  You can crop your screenshot, or add a variety of shapes or text to it.

这是工具栏的特写。 您可以裁剪屏幕截图,或向其中添加各种形状或文本。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

The crop tool is very useful.  Drag and select the area you want to crop, and it’ll automatically tell you the pixel dimensions of the selection.  Drag the corners to enlarge or shrink the region, and then click Crop to crop the screenshot to that size.

裁剪工具非常有用。 拖动并选择要裁剪的区域,它将自动告诉您选择的像素尺寸。 拖动角以放大或缩小区域,然后单击“ 裁剪”以将屏幕截图裁剪为该大小。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

Once you’ve cropped the screenshot, you’ll be able to add annotations as before, all from a very nice UI.


chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

The Blur tool is very useful.  Select it to get a blur brush that you can use to hide sensitive information on webpages.  Here we’ve used it to hide our Gmail address; this would be great if we were making a tutorial on using Gmail.

模糊工具非常有用。 选择它可获得模糊画笔,可用于隐藏网页上的敏感信息。 在这里,我们用它来隐藏我们的Gmail地址; 如果我们要编写有关使用Gmail的教程,那就太好了。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

Saving and Sharing Your Captures


Once you’ve made all the edits you want, click Done.


chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

You’ll be presented with a preview of your screenshot ready to save or share.


chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

Right-click on the image and select Save image as… to save the screenshot to disk.  Currently all screenshots are saved in JPG format, but the developers plan to add PNG support in the future.

右键单击图像,然后选择“ 将图像另存为...”以将屏幕快照保存到磁盘。 当前,所有屏幕截图均以JPG格式保存,但开发人员计划在将来添加PNG支持。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

Alternately, if you’d like to share your screenshot online, click Share and your screenshot will be uploaded to an online photo storage service.

或者,如果您想在线共享您的屏幕快照,请单击共享 ,您的屏幕快照将被上传到在线照片存储服务。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图

Once it’s uploaded, you can share the picture on a variety of services with one click.  Note that the image URL is rather long, so if you’re sharing on Twitter you may want to copy the address and shorten it with a service such as  To do this, just click the address box at the bottom and it will automatically copy it to your clipboard.

图片上传后,您可以一键分享图片。 请注意,图像URL相当长,因此,如果您在Twitter上共享,则可能需要复制地址并使用Bit.ly等服务来缩短地址。 为此,只需单击底部的地址框,它将自动将其复制到剪贴板。

chrome 网页截图_拍摄Chrome中的网页截图



If you’d like to take quick and informative screenshots from the web with Chrome, the Awesome Screenshot addon is one of the best ways to do it.  It’s easy to use, and takes great looking screenshots on almost all webpages.  Note that it cannot take screenshots of Flash content, but almost everything else came out great.

如果您想使用Chrome从网络上获取快速而翔实的屏幕截图,那么Awesome Screenshot插件是最好的方法之一。 它易于使用,并且几乎可以在所有网页上截取漂亮的屏幕截图。 请注意,它无法拍摄Flash内容的屏幕截图,但是几乎所有其他内容都很棒。

Install the Awesome Screenshot addon in Google Chrome

在Google Chrome中安装Awesome Screenshot插件


chrome 网页截图