【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.

【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.

 【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.



两者type都是字典类型<class 'dict'>,感觉没啥差别

但是${}形式能对字典进行增删改查,而&{}形式直接操作时也会提示“Keyword 'Collections.Get From Dictionary' got positional argument after named arguments.”

【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.后来发现在&{}形式加上一些字符,就可打印。。。。。(不知道原理是啥)

【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.


加上引号能输出,然后就想起了一个函数:eval() 函数用来执行一个字符串表达式,并返回表达式的值 ,so

【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.


【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.

【问题】RIDE:字典" log &{dict}"报错FAIL : Keyword 'BuiltIn.Log' expected 1 to 6 arguments, got 0.