Message: 'phantomjs' executable needs to be in PATH. 解决方法

    今天win10安装了phantomjs,设置环境变量后cmd phantomjs --version可以看到软件版本

Message: 'phantomjs' executable needs to be in PATH. 解决方法

但是ipython下driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()提示没有添加到path

Message: 'phantomjs' executable needs to be in PATH. 解决方法,明明好好设置好了环境变量,手动填入路径却提示权限不足,

Message: 'phantomjs' executable needs to be in PATH. 解决方法后来我是个把phantomjs-2.1.1-windows解压后的phantomjs.exe程序放在python的目录下,再执行driver = webdriver.PhantomJS() Message: 'phantomjs' executable needs to be in PATH. 解决方法


Message: 'phantomjs' executable needs to be in PATH. 解决方法