

Designers and developers rely heavily on the computer for their work. However, the work at times become burdensome and slight recreation is what they crave for. Wouldn’t it be great if the mobile apps not only offer them a respite, but also in the mean time help them make their work easy. iOS is very advanced in terms of features and so are the Apple devices like iPhone and iPads. The exceptional hardware features of these mobile handsets and tablets are best leveraged by some apps that can help the designers and developers in their respective works in many ways. Doing some interesting stuff on the mobile devices which are related to development and designing, kills the boredom which creeps in at times.

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The popularity of iOS apps needs no mention. The users are crazy about them and so are the developers. Most of the time, the developers are busy coding and brainstorming the logic that they implement in their software. It would be great if there are iOS apps which are dedicated to the developers as well as the designers and let them use these apps to perform certain tasks without turning towards the desktop. There are many such apps on the iOS platform which can be downloaded from the AppStore and used to perform some serious and useful tasks. Some of these utility apps can sync with the PC, access the work you have been doing on it, and also allow you to do them on the app instead and update it later. The advancement in the technology has made these miracles possible which were once considered impossible. 

Apart from helping out the developers and designers in their work, many of these apps can also offer entertainment, knowledge tips and information on the latest developments. Hence, they can be immensely useful in breaking the monotony and bring in some respite and freshness. 

Here is a list of 10 iOS apps that every developer and designer will find useful in several ways. Have a glimpse of them and choose the one you find interesting and useful.d

10 Awesome iOS Apps For Designers & Developers

1. ArtStudio

ArtStudio is an app designed especially for the designers. It is available free of cost and can be downloaded from the Apple’s App store. This is the best app for the designers who long for an on-the-go editor without spending a penny on it. The app is not just for doodling but some serious stuff like sketching, editing and painting can be done using the app. Some brushes are familiar to PhotoShop, Gimp and CorelDraw and those who are accustomed to using these desktop applications will have no problem with ArtStudio. 

2. Fuzel

Fuzel is not necessarily an app which will make the work of the designer easy but most likely act as a platform where they can show their creativity and transform normal pictures into refreshing, interesting and worthy of sharing. Although simple, there is a whole host of features that can help you make collages and also set them to the music. Hundreds of layouts are available to be used as it is or after their customization. Stickers, patterns are some assets that can be embedded to the photos.    

3. PicLab

The most striking part of this photo editing app is its simple UI that lets the users edit the pictures easily. Stunning overlays and FX effects can be added to the pictures, thus making them more attractive and expressive. The typography feature of the app is quite good as numerous fonts are available to help you add beautiful text to the photos. With more than hundred overlays and 20 filters to apply, PicLab is certainly an app which every designer must have.

Also Read: 5 Best Mobile App Development Tools You Need To Know About

4. FontBook

As the name suggests, FontBook lets you fiddle around with a plethora of fonts options. It is basically a typography app with more than 36000 typefaces and 8000 font families to choose from. It costs $4.99 on Apple’s App Store. The iOS app also comes with many searches and filters which further simplifies the app’s usage.

5. Database Viewer Plus

Database View Plus app lets you access and work on the database right on your mobile phone. You are required to install a desktop application too, that would sync the database with the app. The best part of the app is its capability to sync with the advanced databases like Oracle and MySQL, etc. An internet connection is required for the sync to establish and edit the database through the app.  

6. Network Utility

It is a great app for network engineers and even for the common users. Network Utility allows the users to check the server status of their website domain and know whether they are up and running. The advantage of the app is that you can ping your website domain from any location and know its status. IP address information can also be accessed using the app, however, confidential and private data cannot be retrieved. 

7. Analytics App

This app, as the name suggests is about the analytics related to the websites. Using your iOS devices, you can connect to the Google Analytics and access the information with a few taps. The users can also view the analytics for their own website. This would help them know where their website is lagging and thus make it more productive and efficient. This is especially very useful for e-commerce websites. 

8. Developers ToolKit

This simple and easy to use toolkit can be quite beneficial for the developers who are coding a website or any software. This kit comprises Unicode or UTF-8 character code for the symbols that are often required by the developers and a built-in calculator that can be used for common calculations in programming. The calculator is simple and helps you perform faster calculations than any other calculator.

9. StoreIT


StoreIT is an iOS application built for developers to simplify their database operations and enable them to perform all such operations using their iOS devices like iPhone and iPad. You can create, store and edit a database using the application without worrying about the security aspect as there is a feature that helps protect the confidential data with a password. The app has a few themes and templates that enable you to start right away, however, you can also create new themes and templates if you wish.

10. Full Browser

Offering the full view of the website, Full Browser is more beneficial than Safari browser from the perspective of designers and developers. There are no address bar or tabs blocking the view, as is the case with most of the browsers that are available for iOS. The designers can view their websites in full view and know how the entire design looks like and make suitable changes. For developers, it becomes easy to understand the design and then code the website accordingly. This app is one of the few apps that offers support to both designers and developers.   


iOS apps are no longer confined to entertainment and can accomplish many utility tasks easily. The hardware and software capabilities of the phones have enhanced and the apps discussed above aptly support this fact. These specially crafted iOS applications for the developers and designers not only empower them to work on the go but also act as a reference when they are stuck in their code or design elements. Most of these apps are free while a few are paid. You can pick your favorite and have fun with them. 

Author’s Bio The writer of this informative blog Ashni Sharma who also happens to be a prolific application developer, working with AppsChopper, a reputed apps and games development company. She often takes to creating write-ups which go on to become viral and a source of inspiration to the budding application developers. You can follow: LinkedIn, Twitter.

设计师和开发人员在很大程度上依靠计算机来完成工作。 但是,有时工作会变得很繁重,他们渴望获得些许休闲。 如果移动应用程序不仅为他们提供喘息的机会,同时还可以帮助他们简化工作,那不是很好。 iOS在功能方面非常先进,iPhone和iPad等Apple设备也是如此。 某些应用程序可以最好地利用这些手机和平板电脑的出色硬件功能,这些应用程序可以通过多种方式帮助设计人员和开发人员完成各自的工作。 在移动设备上做一些与 开发和设计有关的有趣的事情,可以消除有时潜入的无聊。

另请阅读: 设计人员和开发人员的10个最佳代码编辑器

不用说iOS应用程序的流行。 用户为他们疯狂,开发者也为之疯狂。 大多数时候,开发人员忙于编码和集思广益,以实现他们在软件中实现的逻辑。 如果有专门针对开发人员和设计人员的iOS应用程序,并且允许他们使用这些应用程序执行某些任务而无需转向台式机,那就太好了。 iOS平台上有许多此类应用程序,可以从AppStore下载这些应用程序,并用于执行一些严肃而有用的任务。 其中一些实用程序应用程序可以与PC同步,访问您在该PC上所做的工作,还可以让您在该应用程序上进行操作并稍后进行更新。 技术的进步使这些曾经被认为不可能的奇迹得以实现。

除了帮助开发人员和设计师进行工作外,这些应用程序中的许多应用程序还可以提供娱乐,知识提示和有关最新开发的信息。 因此,它们对于打破单调并带来喘息和新鲜感非常有用。

这里列出了10个iOS应用程序,每个开发人员和设计人员都会以多种方式发现它们有用。 瞥一眼它们,然后选择您认为有趣和有用的一个。d


1. ArtStudio

ArtStudio是专门为设计师设计的应用程序。 它是免费提供的,可以从Apple的App Store下载。 对于那些渴望随时随地编辑而又不花一分钱的设计师来说,这是最好的应用程序。 该应用程序不仅用于涂鸦,还可以使用该应用程序完成一些严肃的工作,例如素描,编辑和绘画。 有些画笔是PhotoShop,Gimp和CorelDraw所熟悉的,而习惯于使用这些桌面应用程序的画笔在ArtStudio中不会出现问题。

2. Fuzel

Fuzel不一定是一个使设计师的工作变得容易的应用程序,但很有可能是一个平台,他们可以在其中展示自己的创造力并将正常的图片转换为令人耳目一新,有趣且值得分享的图片。 尽管很简单,但是有很多功能可以帮助您制作拼贴并将其设置为音乐。 数百个布局可以按原样使用或自定义后使用。 贴纸,图案是可以嵌入到照片中的一些资产。

3. PicLab

此照片编辑应用程序最引人注目的部分是其简单的用户界面,使用户可以轻松地编辑图片。 可以将惊人的叠加效果和FX效果添加到图片中,从而使其更具吸引力和表现力。 该应用程序的排版功能非常出色,因为可以使用多种字体来帮助您向照片添加漂亮的文字。 PicLab拥有数百个叠加层和20个滤镜,无疑是每个设计师都必须拥有的应用程序。

另请阅读: 您需要了解的5种最佳移动应用程序开发工具

4. FontBook

顾名思义,FontBook让您无所不用其极。 它基本上是一个排版应用程序,具有36000多种字体和8000个字体系列可供选择。 它在苹果的App Store上的售价为4.99美元。 iOS应用程序还附带许多搜索和过滤器,从而进一步简化了该应用程序的使用。

5. Database Viewer Plus

Database View Plus应用程序使您可以直接在手机*问和使用数据库。 您还需要安装一个桌面应用程序,该应用程序会将数据库与该应用程序同步。 该应用程序最好的部分是它具有与Oracle和MySQL等高级数据库进行同步的功能。同步需要通过Internet连接才能通过该应用程序建立和编辑数据库。


对于网络工程师,甚至对于普通用户来说,这都是一个很棒的应用程序。 网络实用程序允许用户检查其网站域的服务器状态,并知道它们是否已启动并正在运行。 该应用程序的优点是您可以从任何位置ping您的网站域并知道其状态。 也可以使用该应用访问IP地址信息,但是无法检索机密和私人数据。


顾名思义,该应用程序与网站相关的分析有关。 您可以使用iOS设备连接到Google Analytics(分析),然后轻按几下即可访问信息。 用户还可以查看自己网站的分析。 这将帮助他们知道他们的网站落后于何处,从而使其生产力更高,效率更高。 这对于电子商务网站特别有用。


对于编写网站或任何软件的开发人员来说,这个简单易用的工具包可能会非常有益。 该套件包含开发人员经常需要的用于符号的Unicode或UTF-8字符代码,以及可用于编程中常见计算的内置计算器。 该计算器很简单,可以帮助您比其他任何计算器更快地执行计算。

9. StoreIT


StoreIT是为开发人员而开发的iOS应用程序,用于简化他们的数据库操作,并使他们能够使用iPhone和iPad等iOS设备执行所有此类操作。 您可以使用该应用程序创建,存储和编辑数据库,而无需担心安全方面的问题,因为该功能具有使用密码帮助保护机密数据的功能。 该应用程序具有一些主题和模板,使您可以立即开始,但是,如果您愿意,也可以创建新的主题和模板。


提供浏览器的完整视图,从设计者和开发人员的角度来看,完整浏览器比Safari浏览器更有利。 没有可用于视图的地址栏或选项卡,就像大多数可用于iOS的浏览器一样。 设计人员可以以完整视图查看其网站,并了解整个设计的外观并进行适当的更改。 对于开发人员来说,很容易理解设计,然后相应地对网站进行编码。 此应用程序是为设计人员和开发人员提供支持的少数应用程序之一。


iOS应用程序不再局限于娱乐,可以轻松完成许多实用程序任务。 手机的硬件和软件功能得到了增强,上面讨论的应用程序恰好支持了这一事实。 这些为开发人员和设计人员精心设计的iOS应用程序,不仅使他们能够随时随地工作,而且在卡在其代码或设计元素中时也可以作为参考。 这些应用大多数都是免费的,有一些是付费的。 您可以选择自己喜欢的并与他们一起玩乐。

作者的简历 这个内容丰富的博客Ashni Sharma的作家,他也恰恰是一位多产的应用程序开发人员,与著名的应用程序和游戏开发公司AppsChopper合作。 她通常会创建写作作品,这些作品后来变得风靡一时,并成为了新兴的应用程序开发人员的灵感之源。 您可以关注:LinkedIn, Twitter

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2015/05/10-awesome-ios-apps-for-designers-and-developers.html
