如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

Media center software and hardware has advanced exponentially in the last ten years but it can still be quite a pain to get a remote up and running with your unit. Today we’re looking at the Flirc IR dongle, an incredibly clever and effective way to link any remote to nearly any media center.

媒体中心的软件和硬件在过去十年中呈指数级增长,但是要实现远程启动并与您的设备一起运行仍然是很痛苦的。 今天,我们正在研究Flirc IR加密狗,这是将任何遥控器连接到几乎任何媒体中心的一种非常聪明有效的方法。

什么是Flirc? (What Is Flirc?)

Flirc ($20) is a tiny USB dongle about half the size of a traditional thumb drive. At first glance it would be remarkably easy to confuse the Flirc unit with an actual thumb drive as the clear case, visible circuit board, and the IR receiver points (that look much like LED indicator lights) all strongly echo the design of thumb drive storage.

Flirc (20美元)是一个微型USB加密狗,其大小仅为传统拇指驱动器的一半。 乍一看,将Flirc单元与实际的拇指驱动器相混淆非常容易,因为透明的外壳,可见的电路板和IR接收器点(看上去很像LED指示灯)都强烈地呼应了拇指驱动器存储的设计。

The Flirc unit is far more clever than a simple storage unit though and works as an absolutely ingenious solution to the problem of linking IR-based remotes to media center software. You see there is a fundamental problem when it comes to linking your typical universal or TV remote to a media center system like a Raspberry Pi running Kodi/XBMC, an Amazon Fire TV, a computer running Plex or Windows Media Center, or the like: these devices are either optimized for their own special remote (such as the bluetooth remote that comes with the Amazon Fire TV) or they are optimized for keymaps that map onto a keyboard (like Kodi/XBMC and Windows Media Center).

Flirc单元比简单的存储单元要聪明得多,它是将基于IR的遥控器链接到媒体中心软件的绝对巧妙的解决方案。 您看到将典型的通用遥控器或电视遥控器链接到媒体中心系统(例如运行Kodi / XBMC的Raspberry Pi,Amazon Fire TV,运行Plex或Windows Media Center的计算机等)时存在一个基本问题:这些设备要么针对自己的特殊遥控器(例如Amazon Fire TV随附的蓝牙遥控器)进行了优化,要么针对映射到键盘上的按键映射(例如Kodi / XBMC和Windows Media Center)进行了优化。

Don’t get us wrong, it’s more than possible to dig into the guts of many media center software packages (like Kodi/XBMC) and remap the keys. It’s not a light task, however, and certainly not a task for beginners. Further, it requires you’ve already purchased an IR dongle of some sort (which can run you anywhere from $10-20).

不要误会我们的意思,要深入研究许多媒体中心软件包(例如Kodi / XBMC)的内胆并重新映射**。 但是,这不是一项轻松的任务,对于初学者来说当然也不是一项任务。 此外,它还要求您已经购买了某种形式的IR加密狗(可以在$ 10-20的任何价格运行)。

如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

FLIRC, on the other hand, circumvents the entire problem in a rather novel way. Rather than acting as a “dumb” IR-to-USB bridge that simply passes the IR commands along to the host operating system the FLIRC unit is actually a programmable device that uses USB HID (Human Interface Device) standards to emulate a keyboard.

另一方面,FLIRC以一种相当新颖的方式规避了整个问题。 FLIRC单元不是充当简单的将IR命令传递到主机操作系统的“哑” IR到USB的桥梁,而是实际上是使用USB HID(人机接口设备)标准来模拟键盘的可编程设备。

So let’s say the media center software you’re using is keymapped for the “Home” key on the keyboard to return you to the home screen of the media center software. You can take a button on your media center remote and map it, via the FLIRC system, to represent the “Home” key on a traditional keyboard. Then when you have the FLIRC dongle plugged into your media center and you press the remote button the media center is tricked into thinking the FLIRC USB dongle is actually a keyboard and that you’ve just pressed the “Home” key.

因此,假设您正在使用的Media Center软件是键盘上的“ Home”键的映射,则可以使您返回Media Center软件的主屏幕。 您可以在媒体中心遥控器上按一个按钮,然后通过FLIRC系统将其映射,以表示传统键盘上的“ Home”键。 然后,当您将FLIRC加密狗插入媒体中心并按下远程按钮时,媒体中心就会被欺骗,以为FLIRC USB加密狗实际上是一个键盘,而您刚刚按下了“ Home”键。

The cleverness of this solution lies in the fact that it’s universal. You don’t need special drivers, you don’t need to edit the keymaps of your device (if you’re even able to), and you don’t need a special remote. You can link literally any IR-based remote to any media center system that has a USB port that will accept a keyboard input.

这种解决方案的聪明之处在于它具有通用性。 您不需要特殊的驱动程序,不需要编辑设备的按键映射(即使您有能力的话),也不需要特殊的遥控器。 您实际上可以将任何基于IR的遥控器链接到具有USB端口的任何媒体中心系统,该USB端口可以接受键盘输入。

As an aside before we continue on with the tutorial, FLIRC also makes a really awesome Raspberry Pi 2 / B+ case (~$16) that features an integrated aluminum-body heat sink; if you’re looking for a good media center case for your Pi it’s not just good looking it’s also quite efficient at keeping your board cool. Clearly the folks behind the Flirc project are into helping build a high quality media center experience all around.

顺便说一句,在我们继续学习本教程之前,FLIRC还制作了一个非常棒的Raspberry Pi 2 / B +机壳(〜16美元),它带有集成的铝制机身散热器; 如果您正在为Pi寻找好的媒体中心保护套,那不仅美观,而且在保持电路板凉爽方面也非常有效。 显然,Flirc项目背后的人们正在帮助建立高质量的媒体中心体验。

如何配置Flirc (How to Configure Flirc)

In order to configure Flirc properly you’ll need three things: the Flirc dongle/software, the remote you want to use with your media center, and a list of the keyboard inputs and shortcuts the media center software in question uses. Let’s look at how to figure out what your device’s keymap is and then how to use Flirc to link the existing keymap with your remote.

为了正确配置Flirc,您需要三件事:Flirc加密狗/软件,要与媒体中心一起使用的遥控器,以及相关媒体中心软件使用的键盘输入和快捷方式列表。 让我们看一下如何确定设备的键盘映射,然后如何使用Flirc将现有的键盘映射与您的遥控器链接。

确定您的键盘映射 (Determining Your Keymap)

Although the Flirc configuration software does thoughtfully include button keymaps for Kodi/XBMC, Boxee, Windows Media Center, Amazon Fire TV, and even mapping for standard keyboard media keys (and we appreciate that thoughtfulness) it’s good to know how to look up and study a keymap without the assistance of the software so that you can effectively map anything to the Flirc (and not just the pre-mapped entries they provide).

尽管Flirc配置软件确实包含了针对Kodi / XBMC,Boxee,Windows Media Center,Amazon Fire TV的按钮键映射,甚至还包括了标准键盘媒体键的映射(并且感谢您的体贴),但了解如何查找和学习还是很不错的无需软件帮助的键盘映射,您就可以有效地将任何内容映射到Flirc(而不仅仅是它们提供的预映射条目)。

To that end, the first step in getting Flirc up and running is to determine what keyboard commands do what actions on your media center. Idealy this process should be as simple as turning to Google and looking up something like “[media center name] keymap” or “[media center name] keyboard shortcuts”.

为此,启动和运行Flirc的第一步是确定哪些键盘命令在媒体中心上执行哪些操作。 从概念上讲,此过程应该简单到求助于Google并查找“ [媒体中心名称]键盘映射”或“ [媒体中心名称]键盘快捷键”之类的内容。

Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts for common media center software/hardware arrangements:


The last entry, the official keyboard shortcut list for the Amazon Fire TV, is a good example of an official list that’s a bit inadequate. For reasons unknown Amazon lists the simple shortcuts (like arrow key navigation) but fails to list the more advanced (and useful) shortcuts like pressing F12 to return to the Fire TV home screen. Digging up those more advanced shortcuts required turning to a section in the Kodi wiki about pairing USB keyboards with the Fire TV.

最后一个条目是Amazon Fire TV的官方键盘快捷键列表,它是一个正式列表的很好示例,该列表有点不足。 由于某些原因,未知的Amazon列出了简单的快捷方式(如箭头键导航),但未列出更高级(且有用)的快捷方式,如按F12返回Fire TV主屏幕。 要挖掘这些更高级的快捷方式,需要转到Kodi Wiki中有关将USB键盘与Fire TV配对的部分。

If your Google Fu fails (or there just isn’t a good keymap list to be found anywhere online) you’ll have to do it the old fashion way and plug a USB keyboard into your media center and test out all the different keys to figure out what they do. That’s a bit tedious but it is foolproof in that you see exactly what each key does in a real world use scenario.

如果您的Google Fu失败了(或者在网上找不到很好的按键映射列表),则您必须按照旧的方式进行操作,然后将USB键盘插入媒体中心,然后测试所有不同的按键弄清楚他们做什么。 这有点乏味,但是它是万无一失的,因为您可以确切地看到每个**在现实世界中的使用场景。

When you’re armed with the keymap, either via Google search or checking the keymap yourself, it’s time to head over your computer and program the Flirc dongle.


编程Flirc (Programming Flirc)

To program the Flirc dongle you’ll need a computer, a copy of the Flirc software (cross-platform and available here), and the remote you wish to map to the Flirc.


Install the software and then, before running it, plug in your Flirc dongle and allow your operating system to detect it as a new USB device. Once the dongle is recognized by your system run the Flirc application. You’ll find yourself on the main screen with a generic remote with the message “Click a key to start recording” and a “go!” button.

安装软件,然后在运行软件之前,插入Flirc加密狗,并让操作系统将其检测为新的USB设备。 系统识别出加密狗后,请运行Flirc应用程序。 您会在主屏幕上看到带有通用遥控器的信息,该遥控器带有消息“单击键开始录制”和“开始!”。 按钮。

如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

There are several ways you can approach the process of programming your Flirc dongle. You can press the “go!” button to start a step-by-step wizard process that walks you through pairing basic button associations, you can use the included keymaps (for popular media centers like Kodi/XBMC and the Fire TV, for example), or you can use a full keyboard to map each remote button to a key press.

您可以通过几种方法来对Flirc加密狗进行编程。 您可以按“开始!” 按钮以启动逐步向导过程,逐步引导您完成配对的基本按钮关联,您可以使用随附的键盘映射(例如,对于流行的媒体中心,例如Kodi / XBMC和Fire TV),也可以使用完整的键盘将每个远程按钮映射到按键。

Here’s what the basic wizard looks like in action. Once you press “go!” it will blink the keys on the generic remote to prompt you to press the corresponding key you wish to use on your physical remote.

这是基本向导的作用。 一旦按下“开始!” 它将使通用遥控器上的键闪烁,以提示您按您要在物理遥控器上使用的相应键。

如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

In addition the text at the bottom of the screen indicates what the button function in (in the rare case that it isn’t clear from the icon on the blinking button). All you need to do is press the physical button on the remote that you want to map to that media center function. After it successfully records the button press it will move on to the next button. If you make a mistake press the “erase” button in the lower left corner and you’ll be prompted to press the physical remote button you wish to erase and remap.

另外,屏幕底部的文本指示按钮的功能(在极少数情况下,从闪烁按钮上的图标不清楚)。 您需要做的就是按下要映射到该Media Center功能的遥控器上的物理按钮。 成功记录按钮按下后,它将移至下一个按钮。 如果输入有误,请按左下角的“擦除”按钮,系统将提示您按要删除并重新映射的物理远程按钮。

The basic button configuration is a bit simplistic for most needs, however, so let’s take a look at how you can map keypresses to specific media center functions as well as to the full keyboard.


如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

In the menu bar, select “Controllers” and then from the drop down menu select the pre-populated media center keymap you wish to edit. For demonstration purposes we’re using the keymap for Kodi Media Center.

在菜单栏中,选择“控制器”,然后从下拉菜单中选择要编辑的预填充媒体中心键盘映射。 为了演示,我们使用Kodi Media Center的键盘映射。

如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

Here we find all the major key functions of the Kodi Media Center all ready for us to map. To map the buttons simply click on each function and then press the corresponding button on your physical remote. On our test remote, for example, we had a band of colored buttons that (by default) did nothing in Kodi. Using Flirc we were able to assign those buttons to useful function (like turning the unmarked green button into a home button and the unmarked yellow button into a closed captioning button).

在这里,我们发现Kodi Media Center的所有主要主要功能都已准备就绪,可以进行绘制。 要映射按钮,只需单击每个功能,然后按物理遥控器上的相应按钮。 例如,在我们的测试遥控器上,我们有一组彩色按钮(默认情况下)在Kodi中不执行任何操作。 使用Flirc,我们可以将这些按钮分配给有用的功能(例如,将未标记的绿色按钮变成主页按钮,将未标记的黄色按钮变成隐藏字幕按钮)。

If you find that the basic wizard or the more advanced media-center-specific wizard doesn’t offer enough granular control (or the keymaps included with the program are out of date for your version of the media center software) you can always take the most hands on route and directly map your remote buttons directly to keyboard keys. Select Controllers -> Keyboard on the menu bar to pull up the full keyboard.

如果您发现基本向导或更高级的特定于媒体中心的向导没有提供足够的精细控制(或者该程序随附的按键映射对于您的Media Center软件版本而言已过时),则可以随时使用大多数动手操作,并将您的远程按钮直接映射到键盘键。 在菜单栏上选择Controllers-> Keyboard,以拉起整个键盘。

如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

Not only can you pair any keys you can also pair key combinations. Let’s say, for example, that your media center software has a keyboard shortcut of CTRL+SHIFT to take you to the recently added TV shows (or some such thing). You can program a button on your physical remote to take you to the recently added TV shows by mapping CTRL+SHIFT to it.

您不仅可以配对任何按键,还可以配对按键组合。 举例来说,假设您的媒体中心软件具有CTRL + SHIFT的键盘快捷键,可以带您进入最近添加的电视节目(或类似的节目)。 您可以对物理遥控器上的按钮进行编程,方法是将CTRL + SHIFT映射到该按钮,从而将您带到最近添加的电视节目。

When you’re done configuring, make sure to save your configuration by selecting File -> Save Configuration and naming the configuration file something that will be easy to understand months from now when you wish to edit your keymap (like “living-room-windows-media-center.fcfg”).

完成配置后,请确保选择“文件”->“保存配置”并为配置文件命名,以保存配置,这种方式从现在起数月之内您希望编辑键盘映射时就很容易理解(例如“ living-room-windows” -media-center.fcfg”)。

If you wish to confirm the the keys are properly mapped in the Flirc dongle you can open up a simple text editor on your operating system, such as Notepad, and press the remote buttons. Remember the whole magic of Flirc is that it translated remote control button presses (and the resulting IR codes beamed out of the remote) into standard USB HID keyboard key presses. If you programmed a button on your remote to equate to the “s” key because that’s a shortcut in your media center software then when you press that remote button while a text editor is open, you guessed it, an “s” will appear in the editing box.

如果您希望确认这些按键已在Flirc加密狗中正确映射,则可以在操作系统上打开一个简单的文本编辑器(如记事本),然后按一下远程按钮。 请记住,Flirc的全部魔力在于它将遥控按钮的按下(以及由此产生的IR代码从遥控器发出)转换成标准的USB HID键盘按键。 如果您将遥控器上的按钮编程为等同于“ s”键,因为这是Media Center软件中的快捷方式,那么当您在文本编辑器打开时按该遥控器按钮时,您会猜到它会出现在“ s”键中。编辑框。

在Media Center上使用Flirc (Using Flirc on Your Media Center)

We’ve learned about keymaps, we’ve carefully mapped out which remote buttons should correspond to which keyboard keys, and at this point all the hard stuff is behind us. Actually using the Flirc dongle once you’ve done the hard work of programming it is frictionless.

我们已经了解了键盘映射,已经仔细地规划了哪些远程按钮应该与哪些键盘键相对应,并且这时所有困难的事情都已经过去了。 完成编程的艰苦工作后,实际上就可以使用Flirc加密狗,它不会产生摩擦。

如何使用Flirc将任何遥控器添加到任何Media Center

Simply install the dongle on your device in such a fashion that the two little IR receivers are visible to you wherever you’re seated and using the remote. If your media center computer is sitting with a USB port pointing at your couch this is as easy as just plugging in the dongle. If you have it hidden behind the TV stand or the like, and the USB port is not in a direct line of sight, then you’ll need to pick up a simple USB extender to properly position it.

只需将加密狗安装在设备上,就可以使两个小的红外接收器在您就座和使用遥控器时都可以看到。 如果您的媒体中心计算机的USB端口指向您的沙发,这就像插入加密狗一样容易。 如果您将其隐藏在电视柜等的后面,并且USB端口不在直接的视线范围内,那么您需要拿起一个简单的USB扩展器来正确放置它。

That’s all there is to it! Speaking from the experience of early-media-center adopters who have been fiddling with remote control configurations for over a decade, we promise you that the Flirc experience is the easiest way to get a remote up and running on any media center that supports USB keyboards (hands down in comparison with any other method).

这里的所有都是它的! 从早期从事远程控制配置的媒体中心采用者的经验来看,我们向您保证Flirc经验是在支持USB键盘的任何媒体中心上启动和运行遥控器的最简单方法(相较于其他任何方法,传下来)。

Have a pressing question about Flirc or media centers in general? Jump to the forum below and we’ll do our best to answer them.

对Flirc或媒体中心总体上有一个紧迫的问题吗? 跳到下面的论坛,我们将尽力回答他们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/217587/how-to-use-flirc-to-add-any-remote-to-any-media-center/