ERROE:The import javax.websocket cannot be resolved

ERROE:The import javax.websocket cannot be resolved

ERROE:The import javax.websocket cannot be resolved

原因是未找到 javax.wevsocket 下的内容



1. 选择项目并右键

ERROE:The import javax.websocket cannot be resolved

2. 在 Build Path 中打开 Configure Build Path ,在Libraries中,点击右侧的Add Variable...

ERROE:The import javax.websocket cannot be resolved

3. 点击Configure Variables,在弹出框中,点击右侧的 New

4. 选择Tomcat的安装路径,找到 lib 文件夹,选择websoket-api.jar

5. 添加完成,重新刷新构建即可解决