Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?

今天,写图片上传时出现了这个错误:Could not find action or result
There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name . - [unknown location];
注意:此处的action name后面只有一个点!!!(如果你的异常action name后面有东西,例如:)
Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?
一,此处给出action name后只有点的解决办法
Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?
Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?
<%@taglib prefix=“c” uri=“”%>
Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?
Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?
二,此处给出action name后面有东西的解决办法,例如: action name save_Users.如图:
Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?
要访问的方法名_实体类名(前提,你的命名要规范)如:save_Users.action(.action不能忘): save是UsersAction中的一个方法,Users是一个实体类;
Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for namespace /uppic and action name .?