
20170518  10:23

操作备注:这里简要说明开此博文的用途(1)通过Android本地命令行终端了解该系统的结构(文件系统结构)、用户、权限种种 (2)类比Linux系统的认知,进阶了解Android系统可在终端进行的基础配置、在终端的软件安装卸载方式、文件的创建删除编辑修改方式等等 (3)类比Linux系统的认知,进阶了解Android系统安全方面的防御配置。——关于安卓系统(主要是安卓手机的系统)的好奇想要研究的心理,自2016年11月就已经产生。并有过若干类比思考,比如既然它是类Linux的开源系统那么应该可以像Linux一样能够 从远程进行连接登录,并搜索了一下是否存在类似Xshell、PuTTY的能够应用于Android系统进行远程登录的这样一种工具,但未果。而后好奇心暂时就蛰伏在心底,待机再发。直至昨晚(20170517 晚上)入睡前,灵光闪现,一个关键词略过脑际,“安卓终端”,是的,好多界面化的系统也都有自己的命令行终端界面,能够在界面环境中调用出来,用以执行终端命令。而后暗自将这个关键词在脑海加深印象以防止忘记,便于第二天的着重尝试,就睡下了。清晨,直至9时许,关键词再次浮现,顺势而为,搜索尝试,发现通过寻找Android本机上的终端,由本地进入命令行终端的方式是可行的。倍感兴奋过,遂有此记。

备注:搜索关键字“安卓终端”,于是在Lenovo  手机自带的应用中心找到了一款名为“终端模拟器”的终端模拟器,安装完毕后,在应用中心该应用介绍界面的下方点击“打开”,进入了Android系统的终端界面。标志着,新的历史格局的开启。:)!


 1. 应用中心中“终端模拟器(Android-Terminal-Emulator)”的相关信息





Q:Help, I'm lost. How do I use the Android shell?
A:I've written a brief, incomplete, guide to using the built-in Android shell: Android Shell Command Reference
Q:Does Terminal Emulator for Android allow me to "Root" or "Hack" my phone?
A:Sorry, no. Terminal Emulator for Android does not help you root or hack your phone.
Q:Is Terminal Emulator for Android useful on an ordinary phone, that hasn't been rooted?
A:Yes! You can access the entire /sdcard file system, and you can install and run Linux command-line applications in the parts of the /data file system that are accessible to the Terminal Emulator for Android process.
 You can also run command-line programs that access the Internet.
Q:Why do I get "permission denied" errors when I try to run commands in the terminal?
A:This message is being printed out by the Android shell. It means one of two things:
   It might simply mean that you have misspelled the command name, or are trying to use a command that is not installed on you device. The Android shell will print "permission denied" when it just can't find the command, instead of a more accurate error message like "command not found".
   It could mean that the command exists, but you don't have permission to run it. By default Terminal Emulator for Android runs using the permissions of the Terminal Emulator for Android application. You may need to become "root" in order to gain permissions to run some commands. You can use the "su" command to do this. Of course, most consumer Android devices don't have root access enabled by default, so you may not be able to use the "su" command on your device.
Q:Why don't you include a telnet or ssh client?
A:That's a good question! I guess I really ought to. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to it. In the meantime, see Installing BusyBox and ssh without Rooting your Device.


 (1)IME,Input Method Editor,输入法编辑器, the free Hacker's Keyboard IME。

 (2)Busybox, is a collection of Linux utility programs that is designed to be run on small Linux devices, such as your Android phone.  如下是BusyBox的官方站点链接:  https://busybox.net/


       Installing BusyBox and ssh without Rooting your Device



备注:主要记录 (1)通过终端模拟器进入到Android系统的终端界面之后的初见印象,First sight。和(2)可用可操作性的基本命令。