chrome不提示插件禁用_在Google Chrome中禁用旧的Adobe Flash插件

chrome不提示插件禁用_在Google Chrome中禁用旧的Adobe Flash插件


If you’ve just updated to the Dev or Beta release of Google Chrome, you might have noticed that a special version of Adobe Flash is now integrated into the default distribution of Chrome. But what about your old plug-in?

如果您刚刚更新到Google Chrome的开发版或Beta版,则可能已经注意到,默认版本的Chrome 现在已集成了一个特殊版本的Adobe Flash。 但是您的旧插件呢?

As it turns out, the old plug-in is generally still installed… but you can easily disable Chrome plug-ins in the latest version, so let’s get to work.

事实证明,旧的插件通常仍会安装……但是您可以轻松禁用最新版本的Chrome插件 ,让我们开始工作。

Disable the Extra Flash Plug-in


Head over to about:plugins and look through the list—you should notice two Shockwave Flash plugins. The first one should be in your Google Chrome installation folder, and has the filename gcswf32.dll. This is the NEW one, so don’t disable it!

转到about:plugins并浏览列表-您应该注意到两个Shockwave Flash插件。 第一个应该在您的Google Chrome安装文件夹中,文件名为gcswf32.dll。 这是新的,所以不要禁用它!

chrome不提示插件禁用_在Google Chrome中禁用旧的Adobe Flash插件

If you keep scrollling down, you’ll see the old one, with the file name NPSWF32.dll. This is the OLD plugin, and you can safely disable it.

如果继续向下滚动,则会看到旧的文件名,名称为NPSWF32.dll。 这是OLD插件,您可以安全地禁用它。

chrome不提示插件禁用_在Google Chrome中禁用旧的Adobe Flash插件

Of course, if you only use Chrome you could just completely uninstall Adobe Flash from your system by heading into Control Panel’s Uninstall Programs screen, and then finding and uninstalling Adobe Flash Player Plugin. The ActiveX version is for Internet Explorer.

当然,如果仅使用Chrome,则只需进入控制面板的“卸载程序”屏幕,然后查找并卸载Adobe Flash Player插件,即可从系统中完全卸载Adobe Flash。 ActiveX版本适用于Internet Explorer。

chrome不提示插件禁用_在Google Chrome中禁用旧的Adobe Flash插件

We’ve not done any testing to see if the old Flash plugin is even still active or not, but may as well disable it just to be sure, right?


