如何在Google Chrome中显示或隐藏主页按钮

如何在Google Chrome中显示或隐藏主页按钮

Remember when all web browsers had a button that would redirect you back to a predetermined homepage? While Google prides itself on having a clutter-free interface, some people reminisce of the days when you could click a button and return to your homepage.

还记得所有的网络浏览器都有一个可以将您重定向回预定主页的按钮吗? 尽管Google以其整洁的界面而自豪,但有些人会想起您可以单击按钮并返回首页的日子。

如何显示或隐藏主页按钮 (How to Show or Hide the Home Button)

Google Chrome hides the “Home” button from its taskbar by default to provide people with a clean interface. However, some people miss having a button that instantly brings you back to a specific webpage with the click of a button. The button isn’t gone forever, just follow these steps to get it back.

默认情况下,Google Chrome浏览器会在其任务栏中隐藏“主页”按钮,以便为用户提供简洁的界面。 但是,有些人会错过一个按钮,只需单击一下按钮,即可立即将您带回到特定的网页。 该按钮不会永远消失,只需按照以下步骤操作即可将其取回。

Fire up Chrome, click the menu icon, and then click on “Settings.” Alternatively, you can typechrome://settings/ into the Omnibox to go directly there.

启动Chrome,点击菜单图标,然后点击“设置”。 另外,您也可以在多功能框中输入chrome://settings/ ,以直接转到此处。

如何在Google Chrome中显示或隐藏主页按钮

Scroll down and under the Appearance heading, toggle “Show Home Button” on.


如何在Google Chrome中显示或隐藏主页按钮

As soon as you toggle the Home button, it appears sandwiched between the Omnibox and the Refresh/Stop button.


如何在Google Chrome中显示或隐藏主页按钮

The default setting will redirect you to the New Tab page, but clicking the + (plus) button to open a new tab already does that, which makes this a bit redundant.

默认设置会将您重定向到“ 新建选项卡”页面 ,但是单击+(加号)按钮打开一个新选项卡已经可以了,这有点多余。

To get the most out of the Home button, you can set it to direct to your favorite website by typing it into the field provided when you toggle it on.


如何在Google Chrome中显示或隐藏主页按钮

Now, whenever you click the Home button, you are redirected to a specific URL instead of seeing the New Tab page.


If you want to hide the Home button, head back to chrome://settings and toggle “Show Home Button” to the off position.


如何在Google Chrome中显示或隐藏主页按钮

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/411305/how-to-show-or-hide-the-home-button-in-google-chrome/