windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS


windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

One of the first things Web Developers using ASP.NET will want to install on Windows 8 is IIS (Internet Information Services). Windows 8 and Windows 10 ships with a new version of IIS, version 8, lets take a look at installing it.

使用ASP.NET的Web开发人员要在Windows 8上安装的第一件事就是IIS(Internet信息服务)。 Windows 8和Windows 10附带了新版本的IIS 8,让我们来看看如何安装它。

Note: Windows 10 installs IIS version 10 instead of version 8, for obvious reasons. It’s the same exact process either way.

注意: Windows 10安装IIS版本10而不是版本8,原因很明显。 两种方法都相同。

安装IIS (Installing IIS)

Keeping with Microsoft modular design of, uhm, everything these days, IIS in Windows is still an optional “Windows Feature”. To install it, press the Windows + R key combination to bring up a run box, then type appwiz.cpl and press enter.

如今,与Microsoft的所有模块化设计保持一致,Windows中的IIS仍然是可选的“ Windows功能”。 要安装它,请按Windows + R组合键以弹出运行框,然后键入appwiz.cpl并按Enter。

windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

This will open the Program and Features part of Control Panel, on the left hand side click on the “Turn Windows features on or off” link.


windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

Now click on the Internet Information Services check box.

现在,单击“ Internet信息服务”复选框。

windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

If you’re a developer you are going to want to expand it and explore the sub-components as well. By default it installs all the stuff needed to host a website, and you are probably going to need some of the more developer centric components as well.

如果您是一名开发人员,则将要对其进行扩展并探索其子组件。 默认情况下,它会安装托管网站所需的所有内容,并且您可能还需要一些以开发人员为中心的组件。

windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

After clicking OK, this dialog will appear on your screen for a while.


windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

When its done, fire up your browser and navigate to localhost.


windows7安装iis_如何在Windows 8或Windows 10上安装IIS

That’s all there is to it.


