



Saving your Facebook search history is supposed to help you by making it easier for you to find what you’re looking for, but it’s also a way to gather as much information about you as possible and sell it to advertisers.


Facebook is great for interacting with your friends and family, but it’s also creating a database in the background of anything you search for on their site. If you want to limit the information Facebook is storing about you, or just remove irrelevant or unwanted search items, you can delete your search history on Facebook.

Facebook非常适合与您的朋友和家人互动,但是它也可以在您在其网站上搜索任何内容的背景下创建数据库。 如果您想限制Facebook存储的关于您的信息,或者只是删除不相关或不需要的搜索项,则可以删除Facebook上的搜索历史。

To begin, go to the Facebook site, log in to your account, and go to your Home page. Click the down arrow in the upper-right corner of the page and select “Activity Log” from the drop-down menu.

首先,请转到Facebook网站,登录到您的帐户,然后转到您的主页。 单击页面右上角的向下箭头,然后从下拉菜单中选择“活动日志”。


A list of options displays on the left side of the Activity Log screen. Click “More” under “Comments” to expand the list.

选项列表显示在“活动日志”屏幕的左侧。 单击“评论”下的“更多”以展开列表。


Click “Search” in the expanded list.



A list of all your searches is displayed by date. To delete one search item, click the block icon to the right of the item and select “Delete” from the drop-down menu.

将按日期显示所有搜索的列表。 要删除一个搜索项,请单击该项右侧的阻止图标,然后从下拉菜单中选择“删除”。


The “Remove Search” dialog box displays making sure you want to remove the search. Click “Remove Search” to complete the removal process.

显示“删除搜索”对话框,以确保您要删除搜索。 点击“删除搜索”以完成删除过程。


To clear all of your search history, click the “Clear Searches” link at the top of the page.



A confirmation dialog box displays for this action, as well, reminding you that your search history helps them show you better results when you search. What they don’t say is that it also helps them collect information about you. If you would rather not provide them that information, click “Clear Searches” to remove you entire search history.

同时会显示一个确认对话框,提醒您您的搜索历史记录可帮助他们在搜索时显示更好的结果。 他们没有说的是,它还可以帮助他们收集有关您的信息。 如果您不想向他们提供该信息,请单击“清除搜索”以删除整个搜索历史记录。


To limit the information Facebook collects about you, perform this easy procedure often to clear your searches. You can also protect your privacy online by starting your browser in private browsing mode. If you use Chrome, you can make it easy to open the browser in Incognito mode from a shortcut.

为了限制Facebook收集的有关您的信息,请经常执行此简单步骤清除搜索内容。 您还可以通过以私密浏览模式启动浏览器来在线保护您的隐私。 如果您使用的是Chrome浏览器,则可以轻松地通过快捷方式在隐身模式下打开浏览器

We also showed you how to clear your Google search history.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208765/how-to-delete-your-facebook-search-history-on-a-pc/
