windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么

windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么

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The calls are starting to come in, as I, like you, Dear Reader, am the head of IT Support for my friends and family. You'd think my cell phone was an IT helpline, and my email is filled with Word documents with pasted in screenshots along with subject lines like "Is this safe?!?!?"

就像您一样,亲爱的读者,我是我的朋友和家人的IT支持主管,电话开始打来。 您会以为我的手机是IT服务热线,而我的电子邮件中充满了Word文档,这些文档粘贴在屏幕快照中,并附带主题行,例如“这样安全吗?!?!?”。

Anyway, Window 10 is coming soon, and this little icon (the Windows icon) is stating to show up in folks' taskbars. For the techies, it's called GWX (Get Windows 10) and it's there to prep your machine and possible download Windows 10 if you want to reserve a spot. It's added by KB3035583.

无论如何,Window 10即将面世,这个小图标(Windows图标)正在显示要出现在人们的任务栏中。 对于技术人员来说,它称为GWX(获取Windows 10),可以在那里准备您的计算机,如果您想保留位置,可以下载Windows 10。 由KB3035583添加

windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么

If you click it, you'll get this screen where you can add your email and when July comes around your system will start downloading Windows 10 automatically.

如果单击它,将显示此屏幕,您可以在其中添加电子邮件,7月临近时,系统将自动开始下载Windows 10。

You may also see this in Windows Update if you run Windows Update manually as I do.

如果像我一样手动运行Windows Update,您也可能会在Windows Update中看到此消息。

windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么

You get to decide when you want to install it, it's not automatic.


windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么

The important part you and your non-technical friend should know and explore is the "Check your PC" section. Click the "hamburger" menu in the upper left corner, then click "Check your PC." Here's mine. Looks like I need to update or uninstall one program that isn't yet compatible, but my devices (video, usb stuff, etc) are cool.

您和您的非技术朋友应该了解和探索的重要部分是“检查您的PC”部分。 单击左上角的“汉堡”菜单,然后单击“检查您的PC”。 这是我的。 看起来我需要更新或卸载一个尚不兼容的程序,但是我的设备(视频,usb等)很酷。

windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么

There's a great FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Windows 10 here that you should check out.

Windows 10上有一个很棒的FAQ(常见问题) ,您应该在这里查看。

Here's my personal translation/take on the most important parts:


  • Windows 10 upgrades start July 29th and you can choose to upgrade for free until July 29, 2016 so no rush. If you want wait and see, you can.

    Windows 10升级将于7月29日开始,您可以选择免费升级到2016年7月29日,因此不要着急。 如果您想拭目以待,可以。
  • The upgrade is free for that period (July 29th 2015 until 2016, a year later). Upgrading after July 29th, 2016 will cost something.

    在此期间(2015年7月29日至一年后的2016年)免费升级。 在2016年7月29日之后进行升级将需要一些费用。
  • You can upgrade machines running 7 and 8.1.

  • You machine should have these specs, which are pretty low and reasonable. Most anyone with a running PC can upgrade.

    您的计算机应具有这些规格这些规格相当低而且合理。 拥有运行PC的大多数人都可以升级。

  • Yes, Solitaire and Minesweeper and Hearts will be removed BUT you can download the new versions of Solitaire and Minesweeper free in the Windows Store. They are pretty nice versions.

    是的,将删除纸牌和扫雷和心脏,但您可以在Windows Store中免费下载新版本的纸牌和扫雷。 它们是非常好的版本。
  • You'll move to either Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro, according to this table:

    根据此表,您将转到Windows 10 Home或Windows 10 Pro:

    windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么

    You'll move to either Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro, according to this table:

    根据此表,您将转到Windows 10 Home或Windows 10 Pro:

  • You apps will keep running. I'm running all sorts of apps, many quite old, on Windows 10 and I have had no issue. The Compatibility Wizard still exists, though, so you can "lie" to really old apps and tell them they are running on Windows 95, or whatever. Just right-click the App that isn't working and click "Troubleshoot Compatibility," or right-click, Properties, then Compatibility. I haven't had to do this myself, yet, so consider this a rare thing.

    您的应用将继续运行。 我在Windows 10上运行了各种各样的应用程序,其中许多都已经很老了,我没有遇到任何问题。 但是,兼容性向导仍然存在,因此您可以“说谎”真正的旧应用程序,并告诉它们它们在Windows 95或任何其他操作系统上运行。 只需右键单击无法运行的应用程序,然后单击“故障排除兼容性”,或右键单击“属性”,然后单击“兼容性”。 我还没有自己做这个,所以考虑一下这很罕见。

So far it's been pretty interesting and I think that if non-technical friend liked Windows 7 and tolerated Windows 8 that they will like Windows 10. I've been doing "Windows 10 Build to Build" upgrade videos over at my YouTube and I would love it if you'd subscribe to my YouTube as well.

到目前为止,这一直很有趣,我认为,如果非技术朋友喜欢Windows 7并容忍Windows 8,他们会喜欢Windows10。我一直在YouTube上进行“ Windows 10 Build to Build”升级视频,我会如果您也订阅我的YouTube喜欢它。

It's amazing that Windows 7 users and Windows 8 users will all be able to upgrade and come forward to a single version of Windows. As a developer (both web and apps) it'll be nice to have people on an "evergreen" Windows where I can do things like Feature Detection and not think as much about versioning.

Windows 7用户和Windows 8用户都将能够升级并升级到Windows的单个版本,这真是令人惊讶。 作为开发人员(包括Web和应用程序),很高兴能使人们使用“常绿” Windows,我可以在其中执行功能检测之类的事情,而不必过多考虑版本控制。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么
windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么
windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么
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windows 非mbr_Windows 10对非技术朋友的处理方式是什么


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