



Updates are necessary, but annoying. Which is why your Mac, by default, installs them automatically.

更新是必要的,但很烦人。 这就是Mac默认情况下会自动安装它们的原因。

System updates protect your Mac from malware and other threats, and occasionally add new features. The same goes for software updates, so it’s important to keep all your apps up to date. But popups asking users whether they want to install updates have a way of being ignored, even when the user knows that updates are important. So automatic updates make sense for most people.

系统更新可保护Mac免受恶意软件和其他威胁的侵害 ,并偶尔添加新功能。 软件更新也是如此,因此重要的是保持所有应用程序为最新。 但是,即使用户知道更新很重要,也会弹出询问用户是否要安装更新的弹出窗口。 因此,自动更新对大多数人来说都是有意义的。

…But not all people. Some of you prefer having control over what is installed when. Happily, there’s a way to take control, and it’s in System Preferences.

…但不是所有人。 你们中有些人更喜欢控制何时安装。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以控制,并且在系统偏好设置中。


Click the “App Store” button and you’ll see the automatic update settings right at the top of the window.

点击“ App Store”按钮,您将在窗口顶部看到自动更新设置。


The first two options are about checking for and downloading updates—not installing them.


  • The top option, “Automatically check for updates,” controls whether your Mac regularly checks for new versions or not. There’s no good reason to turn this off: it’s important to know about updates when they’re ready.

    顶部选项“自动检查更新”控制Mac是否定期检查新版本。 没有充分的理由将其关闭:重要的是要在更新准备就绪时知道它们。
  • The next option, “Download newly available updates in the background,” controls whether or not you need to tell the system to download updates. The only reason to disable this feature is the need to manage bandwidth usage. If you don’t have that need, it’s best to leave this enabled.

    下一个选项“在后台下载新的可用更新”控制是否需要告诉系统下载更新。 禁用此功能的唯一原因是需要管理带宽使用情况。 如果您不需要,最好将其启用。

Again, neither of these options installs updates automatically: they just set whether the system should look for updates regularly, and whether the system should download those updates when available. If you check the above two options, and only those options, you’ll still need to tell the system to install updates.

同样,这两个选项都不自动安装更新:它们只是设置系统是否应定期查找更新,以及系统是否应在可用时下载这些更新。 如果仅检查以上两个选项,则仍然需要告诉系统安装更新。


The next three options determine whether your system will install updates without your intervention.


  • Check “Install App updates” and applications you’ve downloaded using the Mac App Store will install automatically, without you having to do anything. Note that you’ll have to close the program in order for the update to install, otherwise you will end up seeing a notification about it.

    选中“安装应用程序更新”,使用Mac App Store下载的应用程序将自动安装,而无需执行任何操作。 请注意,您必须关闭程序才能安装更新,否则最终将看到有关该程序的通知。
  • Check “Install macOS updates”, and decimal point updates (for example, updating from 10.12.3 to 10.12.4) will install automatically. You will be asked before your system restarts. New versions of macOS (ie, updating from 10.12 Sierra to 10.13 Some-Other-California-Landmark) will not install automatically.

    选中“安装macOS更新”,小数点更新(例如,从10.12.3更新到10.12.4)将自动安装。 在系统重新启动之前,系统会询问您。 新版本的macOS(即从10.12 Sierra更新到10.13 Some-Other-California-Landmark)将不会自动安装。
  • Check “install system data files and security updates” to ensure that these regular updates make it to your system. These updates rarely require system reboots, and help keep your Mac secure, so there’s no reason not to enable them in our opinion.

    选中“安装系统数据文件和安全更新”,以确保这些常规更新都能将其添加到您的系统中。 这些更新很少需要重新启动系统,并有助于确保Mac的安全,因此我们认为没有理由不启用它们。

There’s no right or wrong way to configure all of this: it’s all about balancing your tolerance for for pop-ups with your desire to control when and how updates are installed. Most users are probably fine sticking with the default, which for a few years now has been downloading and installing updates automatically.

配置所有这些配置没有对与错的方法:这全都在于平衡对弹出窗口的容忍度与您控制何时以及如何安装更新的愿望。 大多数用户可能会坚持使用默认设置,而默认设置已经有几年了,它一直在自动下载和安装更新。

If you want even more flexibility, consider updating Mac apps from the Terminal. It’s a lot faster than opening the App Store, but doesn’t require that you trust Apple to install updates automatically.

如果您想要更大的灵活性,请考虑从终端更新Mac应用程序 。 它比打开App Store快得多,但是不需要您信任Apple自动安装更新。

为什么有些应用仍然困扰着我? (Why Are Some Apps Still Bugging Me?)

These settings only apply to macOS updates and applications downloaded from the Mac App Store, which means that any software you downloaded outside Apple’s ecosystem have to handle their own updates. How this works varies from application to application: many will show you a simple notification when an update is available, allowing you to download and install updates in one click.

这些设置仅适用于macOS更新和从Mac App Store下载的应用程序,这意味着从Apple生态系统外部下载的任何软件都必须处理自己的更新。 各个应用程序的工作方式各不相同:许多更新会在可用更新时向您显示一个简单的通知,使您可以一键下载和安装更新。

Anything from Microsoft will require Microsoft Auto-Update (which for some freaking reason always needs to update itself before it can update any software.) There’s not much you can do to change this, other than check the settings for individual applications and see if they offer automatic updates. Microsoft offers this feature, for example:

Microsoft的任何内容都需要Microsoft自动更新(出于某种奇怪的原因,它总是需要先自我更新才能更新任何软件。)除了检查各个应用程序的设置并查看它们的设置外,您无能为力进行更改。提供自动更新。 Microsoft提供此功能,例如:


We wish there was one central place to handle all of these third party updates, but so far as we know there isn’t, so you’ll just have to find these options on a per-app basis. Good luck!

我们希望有一个中心位置来处理所有这些第三方更新,但是就我们所知,目前还没有,因此您只需要按应用查找这些选项。 祝好运!

