

Getting that first developer job is the goal of many new programmers. But I've discovered that far fewer developers want to take the next steps in their careers.

获得第一份开发人员的工作是许多新程序员的目标。 但是我发现,很少有开发人员希望在职业生涯中迈出下一步。

I found myself in this position, so I formulated a plan to progress my career. Over five months I learned everything I needed to get three job offers that almost doubled my salary. It wasn’t easy, but it was definitely worth it.

我发现自己处于这个位置,因此制定了一个发展事业的计划。 在五个多月的时间里,我学到了获得三个工作机会所需的一切,这几乎使我的薪水翻了一番。 这并不容易,但是绝对值得。

Here’s how I did it, along with the steps you can take to do it too.


But first, since this is an in-depth article, here's a quick summary of my advice.


初级开发者职业指南,分7个步骤 (A Junior Developer Career Guide in 7 steps)

  1. Decide on your goal. What kind of job do you want and when do you want it? You can learn a lot in six months of part time studying if you work at it.

    确定您的目标。 您想要什么样的工作,什么时候想要? 如果您从事非全日制学习,那么您将在六个月的业余时间中学到很多东西。
  2. Find 10-20 current job descriptions for jobs you would ultimately want to get. Create a list of all the requirements and how many times each one came up.

    查找您最终想要获得的工作的10-20当前工作描述。 创建所有需求的列表以及每个需求出现的次数。
  3. Find the 3-5 main skills that are usually required by those jobs, that you don't currently have.

  4. Use courses to boost how quickly you can learn a new skill. Courses can be a great idea as they save you time and effort.

    使用课程来提高学习新技能的速度。 课程可以是一个好主意,因为它们可以节省您的时间和精力。
  5. Apply to jobs before you've learned everything. Interviewing well is a skill that you should practice too.

    在学到一切之前先申请工作。 良好的面试也是您也应该练习的一项技能。
  6. Build projects with what you've learned - that's the best way to make sure you solidify the skill.

  7. Get the job that you've worked hard to get.


If you're looking to become a full-stack developer and want to know what you'll need to learn, I've got a free guide to the skills and tools you'll need.


目标 (The Goal)

I was planning to travel around southeast Asia for 3–6 months, and I knew that I wanted to get a better job when I returned. My junior JavaScript job had shown me three things:

我打算在东南亚旅行3到6个月,我知道回国后想得到更好的工作。 我的初级JavaScript工作向我展示了三件事:

  • I loved to code, not only as a hobby but as a job.

  • I enjoyed back-end development work. It was more logic-based which I really liked.

    我喜欢后端开发工作。 我更喜欢基于逻辑的。
  • I didn’t like Angular that much.


With this knowledge, I set about creating a target for where I wanted to be by the time I finished traveling, and what I needed to learn to get to that point.


My target was to be a mid-level full stack developer.

我的目标是成为中级 全栈开发人员

侦察 (The Recon)

To become the mid level full stack developer I wanted to be, and to find out where I needed to improve, I looked for jobs that I would actually want to get in the end.


First, I saw what those jobs required in a candidate and what they said was desirable. I created a list of all the skills and then ordered them by how many times they came up in those job descriptions.

首先,我看到了候选人所需要的那些工作以及他们说的是可取的。 我创建了所有技能的列表,然后按这些职位描述中出现这些技能的次数对其进行了排序。

With this list I looked at the highest ranked skills that I didn't have yet. You don't need to be able to do everything on this list to get one of these jobs. On average a new hire only has 70-80% of the required skills listed on the role. Most of the time the things that are actual deal breakers are just a few key areas. We are aiming to get to that level and then any other skills are a bonus.

通过此列表,我查看了我尚未获得的最高排名的技能。 您无需执行此列表上的所有操作即可获得这些工作之一。 平均而言,新员工仅具有角色列出的所需技能的70-80%。 在大多数情况下,真正破坏交易的只是几个关键领域。 我们的目标是达到这一水平,然后其他任何技能都是一种奖励。

Through this research, I made a list of things that most of the jobs I was looking at required:


  • Strong understanding of JavaScript

  • At least one front-end framework (usually React or Angular)

  • Ability to create a REST API

    能够创建REST API
  • Knowledge of one or more database


This process can really be used for anyone in any career. But it works really well with development, as there are usually a specific list of skills that a role "requires".

这个过程实际上可以用于任何职业的任何人。 但是它确实与开发配合得很好,因为角色通常需要特定的技能列表。

制定计划 (Formulating the Plan)


With this information, I knew that I needed to up my game in a few key areas:


  1. I needed to finish reading You Don’t Know JS. This book series helped me really understand the basics of JavaScript, so I reasoned that it would be great for learning the more advanced stuff.

    我需要完成阅读《 你不懂JS》 。 这本书系列帮助我真正地了解了JavaScript的基础知识,因此我认为这对于学习更高级的知识非常有用。

  2. I needed to become very good at one front end framework. I looked into Angular, Vue, and React and decided on React. I’d done a bit of React before and liked it, I wasn’t a fan of Angular, and Vue wasn’t requested in many job adverts.

    我需要变得非常擅长于一个前端框架。 我研究了Angular,Vue和React并决定使用React。 我之前做过一些React并喜欢它,我不是Angular的粉丝,而且在很多招聘广告中都没有要求Vue。
  3. Although I could just about create an express API from scratch, I wasn’t very confident and could only do the basics. I needed to up my game across the board with this, especially if I was wanting to have a job that prioritised back end work.

    尽管我可以从头开始创建一个Express API,但我不是很自信,只能做一些基础工作。 我需要以此来全面提升我的游戏水平,尤其是当我想要一份优先考虑后端工作的工作时。
  4. I could either stick with relational databases (postgreSQL) or learn a new DB. I decided that I would go for learning MongoDB as it was massively popular and added NoSQL databases to my CV.

    我可以坚持使用关系数据库(postgreSQL)或学习新的数据库。 我决定去学习MongoDB,因为它非常受欢迎,并在我的CV中添加了NoSQL数据库。

I wasn’t sure how long I’d be traveling, so decided to plan my learning out like this:


  1. Learn React (and Redux) while reading You Don’t Know JavaScript.


  2. Get much better at API development and learn MongoDB.

  3. Make something with the skills I’d learned.

  4. Learn other things.


I did this for a very good reason. If I ended my travels after three months and had completed #1 but was still part way through #2, then I would still be able to apply for mid-level developer jobs — they’d just be limited to mainly front-end jobs.

我这样做的理由非常充分。 如果我在三个月后结束旅行并完成了#1的工作,但仍能完成#2的工作,那么我仍然可以申请中级开发人员的工作-他们只限于主要从事前端工作。

If I did back-end learning first, after 3 months I still wouldn’t be very confident with any front end framework. That would probably be a sticking point for every mid level job. I could try to apply for a back-end only developer role, but they all seemed to want much more experience than I had.

如果我先进行后端学习,那么3个月后,我对任何前端框架仍然不会很有信心。 这可能是每个中级工作的症结所在。 我可以尝试申请只有后端的开发人员角色,但是他们似乎都想要比我更多的经验。

学习React和Redux,并阅读《 你不懂JS》 (Learn React and Redux, and read You Don’t Know JS)


I’d done a little bit of React before, using Youtube videos and normal web tutorials, but this time I wanted to make sure that I was learning it properly. This led me to getting the React JS and Redux: Mastering Web App course from Udemy.

之前,我使用Youtube视频和普通的网络教程做了过一些React的工作,但是这次我想确保自己学习得正确。 这使我从Udemy获得了React JS和Redux:掌握Web应用程序课程。

This course was brilliant, and the little bit of experience I had with React helped a lot, but I had no experience with Redux. By the end of this course, I felt like I could have built a pretty complex website and was confident with both the syntax and formats of React and the data control of Redux.

这门课程很棒,我对React的一点经验帮助很大,但是我对Redux没有任何经验。 在本课程结束时,我觉得我可以建立一个非常复杂的网站,并对React的语法和格式以及Redux的数据控制充满信心。

This course took me about 2 weeks to complete, but I was working on it for an hour or 2 once or twice a week. I was on holiday in Asia so this wasn’t my main priority.

这门课程花了我大约2个星期的时间,但我每周要花一两个小时进行一到两个小时的学习。 我在亚洲度假,所以这不是我的主要任务。

As well as working on the course when I had my laptop, I read my way through the last few books in the You Don’t Know JS series. I stored the online Github version on my phone and read it while I was resting between climbs.

带着笔记本电脑学习课程的同时,我还阅读了《 You't Know JS》系列的最后几本书。 我将在线Github版本存储在手机上,并在两次攀爬之间休息时阅读。

Having gotten some real world experience, I understood a lot more than the last time I tried to read these books. Things like Promises are really hard to understand if you’ve never used them.

有了一些现实世界的经验,我比上一次尝试阅读这些书时了解的更多。 如果您从未使用过Promises之类的东西,真的很难理解。

更好地表达和学习MongoDB (Get much better at express and learn MongoDB)

Now that I felt comfortable creating front ends, it was time to work on my back end skills.


Again I decided to do a Udemy course. I found that because they’re complete packages, things progress nicely and tend to cover the whole process. Of course you can learn all of the same stuff for free on Youtube or other online tutorials, but they never seem to cover a whole topic quite as well.

我再次决定参加Udemy课程。 我发现,由于它们是完整的软件包,因此进展顺利,并且往往涵盖了整个过程。 当然,您可以在Youtube或其他在线教程上免费学习所有相同的内容,但是它们似乎从来没有涵盖整个主题。

The next question was which course to do. There are free ones and paid ones, short ones and long ones.

下一个问题是该做什么。 有免费的和付费的,短的和长的。

I decided to invest in myself and buy a course ($10 is a tiny investment for such a great deal of information) and I managed to narrow it down to about 3 courses. They varied in length between 7 hours and 25.5 hours.

我决定自己投资并购买一门课程(10美元对于这么多的信息来说是一笔很小的投资),然后我设法将其缩小到大约3门课程。 它们的长度在7小时到25.5小时之间变化。

I was tempted by the 7 hour course — I could get it done in a week or two whilst still enjoying my holiday. The 25 hour course would obviously take much longer, but seemed to cover more topics. By this point in the trip, I’d decided that I was going to be traveling for as long as my bank balance allowed, so I went with the 25 hour course.

7小时的课程让我很受诱惑-我可以在一两周内完成它,同时仍然享受我的假期。 25小时的课程显然需要更长的时间,但似乎涵盖了更多的主题。 至此,我决定在银行存款允许的范围内旅行,因此我选择了25小时课程。

React节点:Fullstack Web开发 (Node with React: Fullstack Web Development)


I’ve actually done a full review of this course here, and it’s a great course.


Having done the React and Redux course before, the React stuff was being repeated. So you don’t waste time, you can just skip videos you already know or put the video on 2x speed and “skim watch” for a refresher or to check for any bits of useful advice.

之前已经完成了React和Redux的课程,然后重复了React的工作。 这样您就不会浪费时间,您可以跳过已知的视频,或者将视频以2倍的速度播放,然后“略看”以获取更新,或者查看一些有用的建议。

The back-end stuff is where this course excels. It covers a huge range of topics including: oAuth, email handling, payments, API key handling, MongoDB, mongoose, and advanced deployment.

后端的东西是本课程的优势。 它涵盖了广泛的主题,包括:oAuth,电子邮件处理,付款,API**处理,MongoDB,mongoose和高级部署。

The reason that this course is so long is that it covers so many topics in such great detail. This is good and bad, but I ended up watching most of the videos at 1.5x speed and pausing when I needed to.

该课程之所以冗长,是因为它涵盖了如此众多的主题 这是好是坏,但是我最终以1.5倍的速度观看了大多数视频,并在需要时暂停了。

This course took longer than the first, but I managed to finish it in about 1.5 months.


One of the things that I struggled most with was the DevOps, how to deploy and host the app in a reliable way. If I was doing this now I would probably go with Serverless as it removes a lot of the barriers to back end development.

我最苦恼的事情之一是DevOps,如何以可靠的方式部署和托管应用程序。 如果现在就这样做,我可能会选择Serverless,因为它消除了后端开发的许多障碍。

我开始写 (I started writing)

At some point, while staying in China, I decided to write an article about how tough it is to do development in China. It got accepted into the freeCodeCamp publication, and now has 7.1K reads and 1300 claps. I was amazed that people read what I wrote and liked it.

在某个时候,我留在中国的时候决定写一篇关于在中国进行发展有多么艰难的文章。 它已被freeCodeCamp出版物接受,现在具有7.1K读取和1300拍手。 人们为我所读并喜欢的内容感到惊讶。


I decided that I was going to try to write more articles about what I was doing and cool things I had found. This also ended up giving me a great talking point when it came to interviews.

我决定自己要尝试写更多有关我在做什么和发现的有趣事情的文章。 当面试时,这也给了我一个很好的话题。

I've continued to write and it has opened some amazing opportunities. I've been highlighted as a FreeCodeCamp Top Contributor, been offered freelance work, and even been given a book contract.

我继续写书,它开辟了一些令人惊奇的机会。 我一直是FreeCodeCamp的杰出贡献者,被授予*职业者的工作,甚至被授予书籍合同。

Writing a blog is also a great way to log your progress and allows you to see how you’ve improved.


用我学到的技能做点什么 (Make something with the skills I’d learned)

Now that I had all the tools I needed, I wanted to create something with them. I was three and a half months into my travels and expected that I would be able to travel for another 1-3 months.

现在我有了所需的所有工具,我想用它们创建一些东西。 我旅行了三个半月,并希望我能够再旅行1-3个月。

This meant that I might need to start thinking about jobs soon if I wanted to start ASAP when I got back.


To apply for jobs, I needed to update my CV and portfolio. This gave me a great chance to use what I’d learned to build a new portfolio using Node and React.

要申请工作,我需要更新我的简历和投资组合。 这给了我一个很大的机会,可以利用我学到的知识使用Node和React构建新的产品组合。

This is exactly what I did, and below is the result. As I said before, I’m not a designer, but it works well. I even used a Wordpress API to host blog posts on the page.

这正是我所做的,下面是结果。 正如我之前所说,我不是设计师,但是效果很好。 我什至使用Wordpress API在页面上托管博客文章。


I knew that the design was awful, so I posted it in a web design review subreddit. I got lots of good advice, most of which revolved around spending the next few months researching and learning the basics of web design. This wasn't quite what I was looking for but there were a few good pieces of advice.

我知道设计很糟糕,所以我将其发布在了web design review subreddit中。 我得到了很多很好的建议,其中大部分都花了接下来的几个月来研究和学习Web设计的基础知识。 这不是我想要的,但是有一些很好的建议。

One bit of advice I did take was to utilise design frameworks that existed. This resulted in a completely new website, using none of the skills I’d used before, but it does look less garish. If I was doing it again now, I'd probably try and follow something like Material UI.

我的建议之一是利用现有的设计框架。 这样就创建了一个全新的网站 ,没有使用我以前使用的任何技巧,但是它看起来确实不那么扎眼。 如果现在再次执行此操作,则可能会尝试遵循Material UI之类的方法。

求职 (Applying for Jobs)

The next place I visited was a remote climbing area in Laos. By this point I knew that I had two weeks in Laos, then about four weeks in China again before heading home. Time to get applying for a job.

我参观的下一个地方是老挝的一个偏僻的攀岩区。 至此,我知道我在老挝有两个星期,然后又回到中国约四个星期才回到家。 是时候申请工作了。

If you don't have a hard deadline like I did then I would try and set one. It really helps motivate you to finish your project or get on the job search (no one likes searching job boards).

如果您没有像我这样艰难的截止日期,那么我会尝试设定一个。 它确实有助于激发您完成项目或进行求职的工作(没人喜欢搜索工作板)。

If you don't want to set a deadline then set a point in your learning when you are going to start applying for jobs.


This should NOT be after you've learned everything! Learning to interview is also a skill and you should be getting experience with that as soon and as often as you can. Start applying to jobs that you are less keen on to practice the whole process.

学完所有知识之后,这不应该! 学会面试也是一种技能,您应该尽快并尽可能多地获得经验。 开始申请那些您不太愿意实践整个过程的工作。

进展 (Progress)

Over the course of the next one and a half months I applied to well over 50 jobs, had email and LinkedIn conversations with about 25 people, and managed to secure five job interviews for the week after I got back.


Most of my interactions were by email, but if someone wanted to call directly then I tried my best to accommodate that (I was eight hours ahead).


I think that having an actual conversation is a great way to improve the relationship between you and the other person, increasing the chances that they’ll invite you to interview or recommend you for a job.


If you don’t feel comfortable having a call or Skype with people then you can stick to emails, but I think you’re missing out on improving your chances.


建立更多的东西 (Build More Things)

One of the interviews asked me to prototype what I would do for a company with an awful website and minimal customer service. This was cool as it pushed me into learning about prototyping.

一次采访中,我要求我为一家糟糕的网站和最少的客户服务的公司提供原型。 这很酷,因为它促使我​​学习原型设计。

I wrote a series of articles on how I prototyped and fleshed out the website. You can see the website here read my articles here.

我写了一系列有关如何原型化和充实网站的文章。 您可以在这里看到网站, 在这里阅读我的文章

It also gave me an opportunity to take what I'd learnt over the last 4 months, practice it, and build something that showcased what I could do.



The last thing I did on this project was to create a chat bot for returning orders. I had to learn about the workings of chat bots and it took me about a week to get a decent working version. This was a massive factor in me getting the job and it led to lots of other opportunities.

我在该项目上所做的最后一件事是创建一个聊天机器人来退回订单。 我不得不了解聊天机器人的工作原理,花了大约一周的时间才能得到一个不错的工作版本。 这是我获得这份工作的重要因素,并带来了许多其他机会。

Learning one or two slightly alternative skills that you can showcase can work really well. Just make sure that's after you've got your core skills sorted.

学习一种或两种可以替代的技巧可以很好地发挥作用。 只要确保在您掌握了核心技能之后即可。

面试 (Interviews)

Now that I had these five interviews lined up, I had to convert them to job offers.


制备 (Preparation)

I’ve written articles about preparing for a JavaScript interview and mastering the interview process. I made sure I ticked every box.

我写了有关准备JavaScript采访掌握采访过程的文章 。 我确保我在每个方框中打勾。

I knew all the points I was wanting to emphasise, how to answer the questions about my weaknesses, and what each company did.


面试 (The Interviews)

I’ve always been quite good at interviews even though I’m naturally introverted. I’ve had to teach myself to act more extroverted and engage with the people interviewing me.

尽管我天生内向,但我一直都擅长采访。 我不得不教自己要表现得更加外向,并与面试我的人交往。

If you find yourself acting shy and reserved in interviews, I recommend practicing this as you would any other skill. Find a good resource (charisma on command is a great Youtube channel) and then repeat what you learn. Start with friends and family giving you fake interviews but then try and find people who you are less familiar with and might be more similar to the real developer.

如果您发现自己在采访中表现得害羞并有所保留,我建议您像其他任何技巧一样练习。 找到一个很好的资源(命令上的魅力是一个很棒的Youtube频道),然后重复学习。 首先从朋友和家人那里给您进行虚假的采访,然后再尝试找到您所不熟悉的人,这些人可能与真正的开发人员更相似。

I had tech tests at three quarters of the interviews (having done the other two online) and my preparation paid off. There were small slip ups, but I talked through my thinking and finished all of the tasks well.

我在四分之三的面试中进行了技术测试(已经在线完成了另外两个),我的准备也得到了回报。 有一些小失误,但我畅所欲言,并顺利完成了所有任务。

You interview is also an opportunity to find out more about the company and what it might be like working there. A company might seem awesome on paper but doesn't live up to the hype, or could be the other way around. Choosing the right company is a big decision so make sure you ask for all the information you need.

您的面试也是一次了解公司的更多信息以及在那工作的感觉。 一家公司在表面上看起来很棒,但没有辜负炒作,或者相反。 选择合适的公司是一个重大决定,因此请确保您索要所需的所有信息。

报价和谈判 (The Offers and Negotiating)


From my first three interviews, I had two offers. After the fourth interview I knew that they weren’t the company for me, so let them know I wouldn’t be considering an offer from them. If you are ever in a similar situation, try not to lead them on if you know you’re not going to accept an offer from them.

从前三个采访中,我有两个提议。 第四次面试后,我知道他们不是我的陪伴,所以让他们知道我不会考虑他们的提议。 如果您遇到过类似的情况,如果您知道自己不会接受他们的报价,请不要牵着他们。

Now I had offers from two companies who were very keen to hire me. It was time to negotiate. I’ve never been great at negotiating or asking for more, but I read a few articles and went for it.

现在,我收到了两家非常想雇用我的公司的聘书。 现在该进行谈判了。 我从来都不擅长谈判或要求更多,但我读了几篇文章后就去做。

You might think to yourself: “well, I don’t want to set high expectations, and the offer is already generous, so I ought to just take it.No. Negotiate.
您可能会想:“ 好吧,我不想设定很高的期望,而且报价已经足够了,所以我应该接受它。 不可以。
Or maybe: “I don’t want to start off on the wrong foot and look greedy with my future employer.No. Negotiate.
或者也许是:“ 我不想从错误的脚步开始,对我的未来雇主感到贪婪。 不可以。
“But this company is small and — “No. Shut up. Negotiate.
“但是这家公司很小,而且-” 不,闭嘴 谈判。

From Ten Rules of Negotiating a Job Offer. I recommend reading it if you’re applying for jobs.

谈判工作的十大规则谈起 。 如果您正在求职,我建议您阅读它。

I definitely didn’t do this perfectly (or even that well), but I did do a few things that strengthened my hand. I had two equal offers, but I had a preference for one company. I wrote myself a little script and (after some breathing exercises to calm myself) I called the director of my favoured company.

我绝对做得不好(甚至做得还不错),但是我做了一些使我的手增强的事情。 我有两个相等的要约,但我偏爱一家公司。 我给自己写了一个小脚本,(经过一些呼吸练习以使自己平静下来),我打电话给我最喜欢的公司的董事。

Hi Dave. I’m calling to give you an update on where I’m at. Thank you for giving me an offer, I’m glad you thought that I would be a a great fit in the company too.I’ve had another really strong offer and I’ll be making my decision this weekend, letting you know by Monday at 12pm.There is one thing that could really strengthen the offer. I’m going to be relocating to wherever I take a job, and some assistance with the relocation costs would be amazing.

嗨,戴夫。 我打电话给你我的最新情况。 谢谢您给我要价,很高兴您认为我也很适合这个公司。 我还有一个很强的报价,我将在本周末做出决定,在星期一中午12点之前通知您。 有一件事情可以真正增强报价。 我要搬到我工作的任何地方,而搬迁费用方面的一些帮助将是惊人的。

It didn’t quite end up going exactly like that, but it helped a lot. I thanked them for the offer, told them a deadline for making the decision, and asked for an improvement in the offer without just asking for a higher wage.

最终并没有完全像那样,但是它起到了很大的作用。 我感谢他们的提议,告诉他们做出决定的最后期限,并要求改善提议而不只是要求更高的工资。

摘要 (Summary)

I found out what I needed to get the jobs I wanted. I used this to create a plan and then used paid online courses to speed up the learning process.

我找到了我想要的工作所需的东西。 我用它来制定计划,然后使用付费在线课程来加快学习过程。

I applied to loads of jobs and got five interviews. Having prepared for these interviews I ended up with 4 offers, and 2 that I wanted to decide between. I negotiated the offers from the two companies I liked the best and ended up with an awesome job at a great company.

我申请了很多工作,并接受了五次面试。 在准备好这些面试之后,我最终得到了4个报价,我想在两个报价之间做出选择。 我从我最喜欢的两家公司那里获得了报价,最终在一家出色的公司工作了。

If this article has inspired you to take the next step to become a full-stack developer then you'll need to know the skills that you need. Luckily, I've got a free guide to the skills and tools you'll need to become a full-stack developer.

如果本文启发您采取下一步行动,成为一名全栈开发人员,那么您将需要了解所需的技能。 幸运的是,我有一份免费指南,指导您成为一名全栈开发人员所需的技能和工具

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-go-from-junior-developer-to-mid-level-developer/
