iView UI库解决基于vue.js解决table中this的指向问题

iView UI库解决基于vue.js解决table中this的指向问题



<i-table ref="tables" editable searchable search-place="top" v-model="tableData" :columns="columns"

:data="tableData" @on-delete="handleDelete" :loading="loading">


<Modal v-model="is_apply" width="520">

<p slot="header">

<span class="ant-modal-title" id="rcDialogTitle0">报名人信息审核</span>


<div style="text-align:center">

<div class="ant-modal-body">

<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;">

<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">姓名:</div>

<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.name}}</div>


<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;">

<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">联系方式:


<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.telphone}}</div>


<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;"


<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">性别:</div>

<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.extends.sex==3?'男':model_show.extends.sex==2?'女':'未知'}}



<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;">

<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">所属公司:


<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.company}}</div>


<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;">

<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">所属职务:


<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.position}}</div>



<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;"


<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">身份证:</div>

<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.extends.credentials_number}}</div>


<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;"


<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">是否参加考察活动:


<div class="ant-col-14">不参加</div>


<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;"


<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">是否在陕有投资项目:


<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.has_project!=null?model_show.has_project:'没有'}}</div>


<div class="ant-row" style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 16px;"


<div class="ant-col-10"

style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: rgba(138, 137, 137, 0.65);">是否需要大会接机:


<div class="ant-col-14">{{model_show.flight_info!=null?model_show.flight_info:'不需要'}}</div>




<div slot="footer">

<!-- is_audit 1:通过 2:未审核 3:拒绝 -->

<i-button type="error" @click='applyActivity(1)'>取 消</i-button>

<i-button type="warning" @click='applyActivity(2)'>拒 绝</i-button>

<i-button type="primary" @click='applyActivity(3)'>通 过</i-button>




var app = new Vue({

el: '#app',

data: {

left_info: 'dark',

c_h: 200,

screen_h: 0,

is_apply: false,

model_show: {},

columns: [],

tableData: [],

ticket_select: []


methods: {

// 审核活动

applyActivity(status) {

// status 1 取消 2 拒绝 3 通过

console.log(status, 'ssss', typeof status)

if (status === 1) {

this.is_apply = false

} else {

var status = status

var res = {

order: status == 3 ? 'allow' : '',

enroll_id: this.model_show.weid


let that = this


url: api_domain + 'activity/enroll/audit',

type: 'POST',

headers: {

"token": plats_token //此处放置请求到的用户token


dataType: 'json',

cache: false,

async: true,

data: res, //使用变量sendData


success: (res) => {

that.is_apply = false

if (res.code !== 200) {

layui.use('layer', function () {

var layer = layui.layer;

layer.msg(res.message, {

time: 1500



return false

} else {

layui.use('layer', function () {

var layer = layui.layer;

layer.msg('修改成功', {

time: 1500








error: (data) => {}




// 展示模态框

showModel(res) {

console.log('132456', res)

let that = this


url: api_domain + '/activity/panel/enroll/enroll_detail',

type: 'GET',

headers: {

"token": plats_token //此处放置请求到的用户token


dataType: 'json',

cache: false,

async: true,

data: res, //使用变量sendData


success: (res) => {

if (res.code !== 200) return false

that.is_apply = true

that.model_show = res.data

console.log(that.ticket_select, 'that.ticket_select')



error: (data) => {}



// 渲染列表

setColumns() {

var columns = [{

title: '序号',

key: 'id',

width: '80',

editable: true

}, {

title: '报名人员',

key: 'number',

render: (h, params) => {

return h('div', [

h('div', {

props: {

type: 'name'


style: {

display: 'block',

fontSize: '14px',

color: '#ccc'


}, params.row.name),

h('div', {

props: {

type: 'position'


style: {

display: 'block',

fontSize: '14px',

color: '#ccc'


}, params.row.position),

h('div', {

props: {

type: 'phone'


style: {

display: 'block',

fontSize: '14px',

color: '#ccc'


}, params.row.phone),



editable: true

}, {

title: '票务信息',

key: 'ticket_info',

editable: true


// {

// title: '分组',

// key: 'group',

// render: (h, params) => {

// return h('Select', {

// props: {

// value: this.vmodel

// },

// on: {

// 'on-change': (e) => {

// console.log(e)

// }

// },

// style: {

// display: 'block',

// fontSize: '14px',

// color: '#ccc',

// width: '120'

// }

// }, params.row.values.map((item) => {

// return h('Option', {

// props: {

// value: item.value,

// label: item.label

// }

// })

// }))

// },

// editable: true

// },


title: '审核',

key: 'status',

// is_audit 1:通过 2:未审核 3:拒绝

render: (h, params) => {

return h('div', [

h('Button', {

props: {

type: 'primary',

size: 'default',



style: {

display: (params.row.status == 1) ? 'block' : 'none'


on: {

click: () => {




}, '不需要审核'), h('Button', {

props: {

type: (params.row.audit == 1) ? 'error' : (params.row.audit == 2) ? 'warning' : (

params.row.audit == 3) ? 'primary' : '',

size: 'default',


style: {

display: (params.row.status == 2) ? 'block' : 'none'


on: {

click: () => {

var sendData = {

enroll_id: params.row.enroll_id,

activity_id: params.row.activity_id





}, (params.row.audit == 1) ? '通过' : (params.row.audit == 2) ? '审核' : (params.row

.audit == 3) ? '拒绝' : ''),



editable: true

}, {

title: '签到',

key: 'sign',

editable: true



this.columns = columns


// 获取分组

getSelect(activity_id) {

let that = this


url: api_domain + '/activity/panel/label/lists',

type: 'GET',

headers: {

"token": plats_token //此处放置请求到的用户token


dataType: 'json',

cache: false,

async: true,

data: activity_id, //使用变量sendData


success: (res) => {

if (res.code !== 200) return false

var data = res.data

var val = []

for (var i in data) {

val[i] = {

value: data[i].weid,

label: data[i].title



that.ticket_select = val

console.log(that.ticket_select, 'that.ticket_select')



error: (data) => {}



// 获取数据

getData(sendData) {


let that = this


url: api_domain + '/activity/panel/enroll/enroll_list',

type: 'GET',

headers: {

"token": plats_token //此处放置请求到的用户token


dataType: 'json',

cache: false,

async: true,

data: sendData, //使用变量sendData


success: function (res) {

if (res.code !== 200) return false


var tables = []

var data = res.data.list

for (var i in res.data.list) {

tables[i] = {

id: i,

number: '8',

name: data[i].real_name,

position: data[i].position,

phone: data[i].telphone,

ticket_info: data[i].name,

values: that.ticket_select,

status: data[i].need_audit,

audit: data[i].is_audit,

// audit: 1,

is_apply: false,

sign: data[i].signStatus == 1 ? '未签到' : data[i].signStatus == 2 ? '已签到' : '',

enroll_id: data[i].weid,

activity_id: sendData.activity_id



console.log(tables, 'tables')

that.loading = false

that.tableData = tables



error: function (data) {}




mounted() {

this.screen_h = -document.body.clientHeight

this.c_h = window.screen.height - 264

let that = this;

this.$nextTick(function () {


var sendData = {

page: 1,

limit: 10,

name: '',

telphone: '',

activity_id: window.location.href.split('?')[1].split('=')[1]



activity_id: window.location.href.split('?')[1].split('=')[1]






通过定义new Vue为app 设置vue中methods的数据