vue项目,严格模式下报警告[Vue warn]: Property or method "tableData" is not defined on the instance

[Vue warn]: Property or method “tableData” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property

vue项目,严格模式下报警告[Vue warn]: Property or method "tableData" is not defined on the instance

[Vue warn]: Missing required prop: “value”

found in

vue项目,严格模式下报警告[Vue warn]: Property or method "tableData" is not defined on the instance
vue项目,严格模式下报警告[Vue warn]: Property or method "tableData" is not defined on the instance

[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop “disabled”. Expected Boolean, got Number with value 1.

vue项目,严格模式下报警告[Vue warn]: Property or method "tableData" is not defined on the instance
这个就是类型不匹配,虽然判断用的v-if=“0” 和1 也能,但在严格模式下就会报警告的,
vue项目,严格模式下报警告[Vue warn]: Property or method "tableData" is not defined on the instance