获取outlook 约会_使用Outlook 2007的待办事项栏从任务中快速创建约会

获取outlook 约会_使用Outlook 2007的待办事项栏从任务中快速创建约会

获取outlook 约会

Like any geek, I spend many hours looking for ways to save a few minutes out of my day. Everybody knows that dragging emails or tasks to the calendar icon on the left hand Outlook menu will open a new appointment… but wouldn’t it be simpler to drag it to a specific day?

像任何极客一样,我花了很多时间寻找节省时间的方法。 大家都知道,将电子邮件或任务拖到Outlook菜单左侧的日历图标上会打开一个新约会…但是将其拖到特定日期会更简单吗?

The To-Do bar in Outlook 2007 allows us to do just that… you can drag any item to a specific day on the calendar without having to switch views.

Outlook 2007中的待办事项栏使我们能够做到这一点……您可以将任何项目拖到日历上的特定日期而不必切换视图。

For illustration, I created a new task in the list…


获取outlook 约会_使用Outlook 2007的待办事项栏从任务中快速创建约会

Now just drag that task up to the day you want to create an appointment…


获取outlook 约会_使用Outlook 2007的待办事项栏从任务中快速创建约会

And up pops a new appointment, already keyed to the correct day. Instead of having to select the date, it’s already done for us!

向上弹出一个新约会,该约会已输入正确的日期。 不必选择日期,它已经为我们完成了!

获取outlook 约会_使用Outlook 2007的待办事项栏从任务中快速创建约会

You might notice the example dates are way in the past… I wrote this tip and then forgot to post it. At least I shaved a few seconds off my day!

您可能会注意到示例日期已经过去了……我写了此技巧,然后忘记发布了。 至少我一天休息了几秒钟!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/quickly-create-appointments-from-tasks-with-outlook-2007s-to-do-bar/

获取outlook 约会