[Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly错误解决


20:41:12  [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly. 
20:41:12  [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 
20:41:12  [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method. 
20:41:12  [Apache] Check the "/xampp/apache/logs/error.log" file 

20:41:12  [Apache] and the Windows Event Viewer for more clues 


[Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly错误解决

[Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly错误解决

修改以后记住自己改的端口号,这时候打开Apache  config中的httpd.conf

[Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly错误解决

这里改成你之前换的端口号,当然还有Apache  config中的httpd-ssl.conf

[Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly错误解决


当然如果还是不行,就还有一种情况也会报这样的错误就是你的Apache  config中的httpd-ssl.conf或者是httpd.conf里面的东西被篡改了,从别人那里拷贝一份,粘贴到你响应的文件下  并把端口改一下就OK了