JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))


最近导师给了个有关UWB的项目,使用的也是stm32芯片。在用Keil5下载程序的时候,J-link驱动能够检测到,但是一下载就报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access)。后来请教师兄也说是第一次遇到这种问题,于是求助于万能的互联网,发现也有差不多的问题。
JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))
JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))
JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))

JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))
报错的的时候除了(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access),也有第二个报错(Flash download faied-Taget DLL has been cancelled),于是就尝试在dll上找原因。
JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))
JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))
JLINK驱动报错(The firmware of the connected j-link does not support the following memory access))