heif hevc_如何使您的iPhone使用JPG和MP4文件代替HEIF,HEIC和HEVC

heif hevc_如何使您的iPhone使用JPG和MP4文件代替HEIF,HEIC和HEVC

heif hevc

heif hevc_如何使您的iPhone使用JPG和MP4文件代替HEIF,HEIC和HEVC

In iOS 11, the photos and videos you take will no longer be encoded in the compatible formats you’re used to. Instead of JPG for images and MPEG-4 for video, they’ll use High Efficiency Image Format (HEIF) and High Efficiency Video Format (HEVC), respectively. Files in these newer formats are about half the size of JPG and MP4 files of similar quality.

在iOS 11中, 您拍摄照片和视频将不再使用您惯用的兼容格式进行编码 。 它们将分别使用高效图像格式(HEIF)和高效视频格式(HEVC),而不是用于图像的JPG和用于视频的MPEG-4。 这些更新格式的文件大约是质量类似的JPG和MP4文件的一半。

RELATED: What's New in iOS 11 for iPhone and iPad, Available Now

相关文章 iPhone和iPad的iOS 11中的新增功能现已可用

Encoding files in HEIF (using the .HEIC extension) and HEVC (using the .MOV extension) requires a bit more processing power, so this change is only coming to the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, and the latest generation iPad Pro models. Also, it’s worth noting that this change will only affect new photos you capture, iOS11 won’t change any photos or videos you’ve already taken.

在HEIF(使用.HEIC扩展名)和HEVC(使用.MOV扩展名)中编码文件需要更多处理能力,因此此更改仅适用于iPhone 7,iPhone 7 Plus,iPhone 8,iPhone 8 Plus,iPhone X和最新一代的iPad Pro机型。 另外,值得注意的是,此更改只会影响您捕获的新照片,iOS11不会更改您已经拍摄的任何照片或视频。

While HEIF and HEVC are great in theory, they aren’t as widely supported as JPG and MP4 yet (which are essentially universal at this point). For example, you need to upgrade your Mac to macOS High Sierra for it to be able to edit HEIF and HEVC files. And if you use Windows 10, they aren’t compatible out of the box yet.

尽管HEIF和HEVC在理论上很出色,但它们还没有像JPG和MP4那样得到广泛支持(在这一点上它们基本上是通用的)。 例如,您需要将Mac升级到macOS High Sierra,才能编辑HEIF和HEVC文件。 而且,如果您使用的是Windows 10,则尚未兼容。

If you’d rather capture your photos and videos in a more widely compatible format, you can do so with a simple settings toggle. Here’s how.

如果您想以更广泛兼容的格式捕获照片和视频,可以通过简单的设置切换来实现。 这是如何做。

Go to Settings > Camera > Format and select Most Compatible instead of High Efficiency.


heif hevc_如何使您的iPhone使用JPG和MP4文件代替HEIF,HEIC和HEVC
heif hevc_如何使您的iPhone使用JPG和MP4文件代替HEIF,HEIC和HEVC

Now your iPhone will keep using the older, larger, more compatible formats.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/327689/how-to-make-your-iphone-use-jpg-and-mp4-files-instead-of-heif-and-hevc/

heif hevc