xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹

xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹


After writing up the method for searching your Internet Explorer Favorites with Vista’s built-in search engine, another one of our great forum users pointed out a freeware utility that will let you search your IE favorites right from within the browser itself.

写出使用Vista内置搜索引擎搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹的方法后,另一位出色的论坛用户指出了一种免费软件实用程序,可让您直接从浏览器内部搜索IE收藏夹。

This add-on is called DzSoft Favorites Search, and it’s completely free, although it does have one glaring flaw: You can’t open up your bookmarks in a new tab, which is something I do all the time. It also seems to be slightly clunky, but since it was originally written for IE 5.0, I guess that’s not surprising.

此加载项称为DzSoft收藏夹搜索,它完全免费,尽管它确实有一个明显的缺陷:您无法在新选项卡中打开书签,这是我一直在做的事情。 它似乎也有些笨拙,但是由于它最初是为IE 5.0编写的,所以我认为这并不奇怪。

Using the Search Panel


After installation, you’ll have access to a new search panel on the left-hand side, which seemed to work well… you can search for a single keyword, multiple, or even the URL.


xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹

Show the Toolbar Button


In order to actually get access to that panel, you’ll need to make sure that you can see the new button that gets added to the toolbar, but always seemed to be hidden in my testing. Right-click over the buttons and uncheck “Lock the Toolbars”…

为了实际访问该面板,您需要确保可以看到已添加到工具栏的新按钮,但在我的测试中似乎始终被隐藏。 右键单击按钮,然后取消选中“锁定工具栏”…

xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹

Then drag the slider over until you can see the new Favorites Search button. If you still don’t see it, use the Customize Command Bar option above and add the button to the toolbar.

然后将滑块拖动到上方,直到可以看到新的“收藏夹搜索”按钮。 如果仍然看不到,请使用上方的“自定义命令栏”选项,然后将按钮添加到工具栏。

xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹

You could also get to this bar by holding down the Alt key until you see the menu, and then going to View \ Explorer Bar \ DzSoft Favorites Search, but that’s hardly a convenient way to turn it on, so I prefer the button.

您也可以通过按住Alt键直到看到菜单,然后转到“视图” \“资源管理器”栏\“ DzSoft收藏夹搜索”来进入该栏,但这不是打开它的便捷方法,因此我更喜欢该按钮。

xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹

There are also a number of options you can change in the drop-down menu:


xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹

For instance, the Create “Last Found Items” menu will actually add a folder to your Favorites showing the recently found items that you searched for:


xp好还是vista好_在Vista或XP的IE中搜索Internet Explorer收藏夹

So, if you are always puzzled how to search through your IE bookmarks, this is the add-on for you. Personally I’d stick with using the Vista Search method since it doesn’t require any extra software, but this is a decent solution for those of you on XP.

因此,如果您始终困惑如何在IE书签中进行搜索,那么这是您的附加组件。 我个人会坚持使用Vista搜索方法,因为它不需要任何其他软件,但这对于XP上的您来说是一个不错的解决方案。

Download DzSoft Favorites Search from dzsoft.com


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/search-your-internet-explorer-favorites-from-within-ie-in-vista-or-xp/
