chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL

chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL


chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL

We’ve all had this happen: you start typing a URL in front of all your friends, only for them to see horrible auto-suggestions for sites from your history. Or maybe you incorrectly typee a URL one time and now it shows up every time. The good news is that there’s a really easy way to delete any suggestion from Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

我们都发生过这种情况:您开始在所有朋友面前键入一个URL,仅让他们看到来自您历史记录的可怕的自动建议。 或者,也许你错误地键入e一个URL 一次 ,现在它每一次出现。 好消息是,有一种非常简单的方法可以从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer删除任何建议。

You’ll notice that Microsoft Edge isn’t on the list. There’s one good reason for that: you can’t delete suggested URLs in Edge. Yeah, Microsoft’s browser of the future has some pretty gaping holes when it comes to basic features. Alas, it is what it is. You’re probably using one of the other options anyway, right?

您会注意到,Microsoft Edge不在列表中。 这样做有一个很好的理由:您无法在Edge中删除建议的URL。 是的,未来的Microsoft浏览器在基本功能方面存在很大的漏洞。 las,就是这样。 无论如何,您可能正在使用其他选项之一,对吗?

如何从Chrome删除自动填充网址 (How to Delete Autofill URLs from Chrome)

If you’re a Chrome user (which, statistically, you likely are), this is easy.


Once you’ve started typing the URL and the incorrect (or otherwise undesired) suggestion pops up, simply highlight it and press Shift+Delete on your keyboard.

一旦您开始输入URL并弹出错误的(或其他不希望的)建议,只需将其突出显示并按键盘上的Shift + Delete。

chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL
chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL

Poof! It disappears, like magic.

of! 它像魔术一样消失了。

如何从Firefox删除自动填充URL (How to Delete Autofill URLs from Firefox)

If you prefer to take the road less traveled, Firefox is probably your browser. The good news is that deleting suggested URLs in Firefox is easy peasy (in fact, it’s the same as Chrome).

如果您想走少路的话,Firefox可能是您的浏览器。 好消息是,在Firefox中删除建议的URL很容易(实际上,它与Chrome相同)。

When you’re typing a URL and an unwanted suggestion shows up, highlight it and press Shift+ Delete on your keyboard. Bam. Gone.

当您输入URL并显示不需要的建议时,将其突出显示并按键盘上的Shift + Delete。 am 走了

chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL
chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL

如何从Internet Explorer删除自动填充URL (How to Delete Autofill URLs from Internet Explorer)

Lots of people still use Internet Explorer for everyday browsing—after all, it’s probably already on your PC. If IE is your go-to, the process varies slightly from other browsers, but is just as simple.

很多人仍然使用Internet Explorer进行日常浏览-毕竟,它可能已经在您的PC上了。 如果您要使用IE,则该过程与其他浏览器略有不同,但是非常简单。

When you start typing a URL, the suggestions will appear down below. Using the mouse, hover over the one you’d like to remove from the list—a small X will appear on the far right side. Clicking this will delete the suggestion from the list.

当您开始输入URL时,建议将显示在下方。 使用鼠标将鼠标悬停在您要从列表中删除的鼠标上,最右端会出现一个小X。 单击此选项将从列表中删除建议。

chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL
chrome下载自动删除_如何从Chrome,Firefox和Internet Explorer中的自动建议中删除URL

While simple enough, it’s one of those things that not everyone knows—but everyone needs occasionally.


