
网上搜了一圈没找到postman APIs的教程 所以就准备自己看官方文档,记录一下。





Version your APIs

Versioning in Postman helps you manage change and keep all your API elements - schema, test suites, documentation, etc. - in sync. Click “Show all versions” to continue.


Find your API versions here(Api版本)

You can create, delete, edit and view all API versions from this screen.(点击showallversions 查看,编辑删除所有的api版本)


Define your APIs(定义API)

The “Define” tab contains your API schema, which defines how the API will behave. You can use API schema to validate your API elements. Postman supports OpenAPI, RAML, and GraphQL schema formats.

(Define页面包含你的定义你的api行为的schema.你可以使用api schema去定义你的api元素。postman支持openAPI,RAML和GraphQL 格式)


Generate collections from your schema

Once you’ve added the schema, you can use it to generate collections to use as test suites and documentation.

Develop your API

Now let’s see what’s in the “Develop” tab. Click here to open the Develop tab.

Develop your API

This tab contains everything you need to build out your API: mock servers, documentation, and environments – all linked to specific API versions.


Check out this API documentation

Click to view documentation. The documentation will open up in a browser window. Come back when you’re done.


Test your API

This tab contains all of your API’s test suites. Each one is validated against the API schema and linked to a specific API version.


Observe your API

Keep track of your API’s performance by adding monitors. As with tests, each monitor is validated against the schema and linked to a specific API version.


All done!

Now try creating your own API.

For more information about what you can do with APIs in Postman, check out our Learning Center article: Working with APIs.