


In the online advancement world, Node.js and PHP are the most well-known programming languages being used. Although both of these languages are able to manage the applications of any sort of complexity, they are being built around the different concepts & architectures. If you are an app owner or looking to develop a website, you might be wanting to choose between these two environments, therefore, you must know about the major differences, advantages, and limitations of the two languages.

在在线发展世界中,Node.js和PHP是所使用的最著名的编程语言。 尽管这两种语言都能够管理各种复杂性的应用程序,但它们是围绕不同的概念和体系结构构建的。 如果您是应用程序所有者或希望开发网站,则可能要在这两种环境之间进行选择,因此,您必须了解这两种语言的主要区别,优势和局限性。

Now, in case you are new to both these languages, then let us first give you an introduction to both of these languages:


什么是PHP? (What is PHP?)


first came into existence in the year 1995, then later followed by Node.js in the year 2009. They both are essentially utilized as a


服务器端脚本语言 (server-side scripting language )

for creating various electronic applications. Be that as it may, Node.js is additionally beginning to be utilized as a desktop application development platform.

用于创建各种电子应用程序。 不管怎样,Node.js额外开始被用作桌面应用程序开发平台。

PHP started as a dynamic language to refresh HTML pages with syntax like Perl and began off as a somewhat fundamental programming language. After some time, PHP got increasingly more propelled programming highlights, for example, package management, object-oriented programming model, namespaces, & exceptions.

PHP最初是一种动态语言,可以使用Perl这样的语法刷新HTML页面,并且最初是一种基本的编程语言。 一段时间之后,PHP得到了越来越多的推动,例如包管理,面向对象的编程模型,名称空间和异常。

什么是NodeJ? (What is NodeJs?)

Node.js (Node.js)

is a JavaScript runtime that is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine that is used to build mobile, enterprise, IoT and web applications, API engines, robotics and so on, but mainly the web apps.

是基于Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎构建JavaScript运行时,该引擎用于构建移动,企业,物联网和Web应用程序,API引擎,机器人等,但主要用于Web应用程序。

Node.js utilized the effectively entrenched JavaScript language and made another development platform over the V8 JavaScript engine.

Node.js利用有效根深蒂固JavaScript语言,并在V8 JavaScript引擎上构建了另一个开发平台。

In this article, we will talk about the performance differences between these two platforms. Along with this, some other parameters that we will be discussing subsequently are well-known PHP expansions to improve execution, for example, the Zend JIT runtime and HHVM PHP runtime venture, and some outsider benchmarks of these augmentations.

在本文中,我们将讨论这两个平台之间的性能差异。 随之而来的是,我们随后将要讨论的其他一些参数是众所周知PHP扩展,以提高执行力,例如Zend JIT运行时和HHVM PHP运行时项目,以及这些扩充的一些外部基准。

PHP Vs NodeJs: The Real Battle

  • 数据库
  • Database

PHP works quite effectively with MySQL database & supports the various versions of the databases like Postgresql and MariaDB. Your code may work with all the databases regardless of utilized engines.

PHP与MySQL数据库非常有效地工作,并支持各种版本的数据库,例如Postgresql和MariaDB。 您的代码可以与所有数据库一起使用,而不管所使用的引擎如何。

NodeJs has the libraries to access the SQL, however, there is also a special format to work with the data. That is JSON (Javascript Object Notation). JSON is often used when the data is sent from the server to the web page. With this, you may interact with the new types of NoSQL databases. A PHP application may also be configured to support the JSON, however, it is most convenient to use it with the Javascript. You are getting the same code for the server and the browser.

NodeJs具有访问SQL的库,但是,还有一种特殊的格式可以处理数据。 那就是JSON(JavaScript对象表示法)。 当数据从服务器发送到网页时,通常使用JSON。 这样,您就可以与新型的NoSQL数据库进行交互。 也可以将PHP应用程序配置为支持JSON,但是,将其与Javascript一起使用最方便。 您将为服务器和浏览器获得相同的代码。

This is what a connection to the database looks like with both of these technologies:









Used with relational and traditional databases 与关系数据库和传统数据库一起使用

NodeJ: (NodeJs:)

Works fine with NoSQL databases like CouchDB and MongoDB 与NoSQL数据库(例如CouchDB和MongoDB)一起正常工作

  • 速度
  • Speed


Usually, there is a trade-off between speed of writing code & the speed of application execution. With the PHP language, you do not need a compiler or any of the JAR files. So, PHP is quite an amazing choice if you need a working project very quickly.

通常,在编写代码的速度和应用程序执行的速度之间要进行权衡。 使用PHP语言,您不需要编译器或任何JAR文件。 因此,如果您需要非常快速的工作项目,PHP是一个了不起的选择。

On the other hand, the PHP code does not execute that quickly. However, Node.js is a code that executes quickly and smoothly reducing load requirements on the server. You even get access to the callbacks, which wastes quite less time when you try to deal with the multiple different threads. You will spend more time compiling and coding with Node.js. But the end result will be more optimized.

另一方面,PHP代码执行得并不很快。 但是,Node.js是一种可以快速,平稳地执行代码,以减少服务器上的负载需求。 您甚至可以访问回调,当您尝试处理多个不同的线程时,这将浪费更少的时间。 您将花费更多时间使用Node.js进行编译和编码。 但是最终结果将更加优化。


Suitable when you need to complete a task quickly 当您需要快速完成任务时适合

NodeJ: (NodeJs:)

Suitable when you need an optimized end result 当您需要优化的最终结果时适用

  • 部署与发展
  •  Deployment and Development

Coding in PHP language for most of the programmers is fast and simple. There is absolutely no need for the various compilers or the converters. You just write the code in the notepad and can execute it. The language easily establishes the connection to SQL databases & has no hosting restrictions. If you wish to complete a project very quickly, then PHP will be just an excellent tool.

对于大多数程序员而言,用PHP语言进行编码是快速而简单的。 绝对不需要各种编译器或转换器。 您只需在记事本中编写代码即可执行。 该语言可轻松建立与SQL数据库的连接,并且没有托管限制。 如果您希望很快完成一个项目,那么PHP就是一个很好的工具。

With Node.js language, everything is just more complicated. Deploying frameworks and applications needs preparation and complex server infrastructure.

使用Node.js语言,一切都变得更加复杂。 部署框架和应用程序需要准备和复杂的服务器基础结构。

Syntax: The PHP code is crisp and concise



Whereas in Node, the output for the same code is comparatively longer



使用PHP, (With PHP, )

coding is simple and easy 编码简单易行

有了NodeJ, (With NodeJs,)

deploying frameworks requires complex server infrastructure 部署框架需要复杂的服务器基础架构

You may also refer to the following table for the other distinguishing factors:



  • 什么时候使用哪种语言?
  • When to use which Language?

Talking about both the languages, they both have their own advantages and it completely depends on your project, when to use what.


When should you use PHP? 什么时候应该使用PHP?

PHP is a portable language. The affordable costs of availability of the servers and web hosting for PHP are comparable to none. PHP can run on just any of the platforms that have IIS, Apache & a supported database system installed, this makes the PHP applications easy and portable to deploy. CMS systems like Joomla, Wordpress or Drupal make it quite easy to create websites & work on just every web host.

PHP是一种可移植的语言。 负担得起PHP服务器可用性和Web托管成本是无与伦比的。 PHP可以在安装了IIS,Apache和受支持的数据库系统的任何平台上运行,这使PHP应用程序易于部署。 诸如Joomla,Wordpress或Drupal之类的CMS系统使创建网站和在每个Web主机上正常工作变得非常容易。

When to use NodeJs? 何时使用NodeJ?

NodeJs can prove to be a correct choice for you if your project includes software stacks such as the MEAN stack (ExpressJs, MongoDB, AngularJs), the dynamic single page applications, FrontEnd technologies and server-side technologies like the Backbone.Js, AngularJs or ReactJs. This makes it quite easy to have the same language i.e., Javascript across the whole stack. You may also use the Typescript library in case of the Angular project.

如果您的项目包括软件堆栈(例如MEAN堆栈(ExpressJ,MongoDB,AngularJs),动态单页应用程序,FrontEnd技术和服务器端技术(例如Backbone.Js,AngularJs),则可以证明NodeJ是您的正确选择。 ReactJs。 这使得在整个堆栈中使用相同的语言(即Javascript)变得非常容易。 如果是Angular项目,也可以使用Typescript库。

加起来: (Summing up:)

That completes the difference between the two top programming languages. Both have their strengths as well as weak points. Hence, one cannot say which one can be really better out of these since they have their plus and minus points. However, depending on the project requirements and considering the features of both languages, you should be able to decide the best one for your project.

这就完成了两种*编程语言之间的区别。 两者都有优点和缺点。 因此,由于它们具有正负两点,因此无法说出其中哪一个真的更好。 但是,根据项目要求并考虑两种语言的功能,您应该能够为您的项目选择最佳语言。

When looking to hire a top software development company, you must know your project requirements and budget. Once you finalize the company, you can take help from a software consultant and then decide which language you should go for (if you are not sure).

在寻求雇用*软件开发公司时,您必须知道您的项目要求和预算。 最终确定公司后,可以从软件顾问那里寻求帮助,然后确定应该使用哪种语言(如果不确定)。

If you feel I have missed any major difference between the two languages and that they should be added here, then you may share your views in the comment section below.


