

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-  
display an image from a URL using Tkinter, PIL and data_stream 
also resize the web image to fit a certain size display widget 
retaining its aspect ratio 
Pil facilitates resizing and allows file formats other then gif 
tested with Python27 and Python33 by vegaseat 18mar2013 
用Tkinter, PIL和data_stream从一个url地址加载图片, 
能保持比例缩放适应显示大小, Pil便于缩放和读取各种图像格式, 
在Python27和Python33上都测试过了 by vegaseat 18mar2013 

import io
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

    # Python2
    import Tkinter as tk
    from urllib2 import urlopen
except ImportError:
    # Python3
    import tkinter as tk
    from urllib.request import urlopen

def resize(w, h, w_box, h_box, pil_image):
    resize a pil_image object so it will fit into
    a box of size w_box times h_box, but retain aspect ratio

    f1 = 1.0 * w_box / w  # 1.0 forces float division in Python2
    f2 = 1.0 * h_box / h
    factor = min([f1, f2])
    # print(f1, f2, factor) # test
    # use best down-sizing filter
    width = int(w * factor)
    height = int(h * factor)
    return pil_image.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

root = tk.Tk()
# size of image display box you want  
# 期望图像显示的大小
w_box = 400
h_box = 400
# find yourself a picture on an internet web page you like  
# (right click on the picture, under properties copy the address)  
# a larger (1600 x 1200) picture from the internet  
# url name is long, so split it  
# 从网页上找到一个图片,复制它的网址,这里网址太长,所以分开了
url1 = ""
url2 = "petunia-flower.jpg"
url = url1 + url2
image_bytes = urlopen(url).read()
# internal data file  
data_stream = io.BytesIO(image_bytes)

# open as a PIL image object  
# 以一个PIL图像对象打开
pil_image =

# get the size of the image  
# 获取图像的原始大小
w, h = pil_image.size

# resize the image so it retains its aspect ration  
# but fits into the specified display box  
# 缩放图像让它保持比例,同时限制在一个矩形框范围内
pil_image_resized = resize(w, h, w_box, h_box, pil_image)

# optionally show resized image info ...  
# get the size of the resized image  
# 也可以显示缩放后的图像信息,获取大小  
wr, hr = pil_image_resized.size

# split off image file name  
# 标题栏显示:缩放后的图像文件名和大小  
fname = url.split('/')[-1]
sf = "resized {} ({}x{})".format(fname, wr, hr)

# convert PIL image object to Tkinter PhotoImage object  
# 把PIL图像对象转变为Tkinter的PhotoImage对象  
tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image_resized)

# put the image on a widget the size of the specified display box  
# Label: 这个小工具,就是个显示框,小窗口,把图像大小显示到指定的显示框   
label = tk.Label(root, image=tk_image, width=w_box, height=h_box)
# padx,pady是图像与窗口边缘的距离
label.pack(padx=5, pady=5)

