GitHub提交的时显示Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do

每次建立新的仓库,提交的时总会出现这样的错误。Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do

错误的git 提交的步骤:

git init //初始化仓库
git add .(文件name) //添加文件到本地仓库
git commit -m “first commit” //添加文件描述信息
git remote add origin + 远程仓库地址 //链接远程仓库,创建主分支
git push -u origin master //把本地仓库的文件推送到远程仓库

GitHub提交的时显示Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do


git init //初始化仓库
git add .(文件name) //添加文件到本地仓库
git commit -m “first commit” //添加文件描述信息
git remote add origin + 远程仓库地址 //链接远程仓库,创建主分支
git pull origin master // 把本地仓库的变化连接到远程仓库主分支
git push -u origin master //把本地仓库的文件推送到远程仓库