在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

If you’re moving from XP to Windows 7, you might need some help with the changes to the Start Menu. Here we have put together a list of some useful tips that will help you take control and master the Start Menu in Windows 7 and Vista.

如果您从XP迁移到Windows 7,则可能需要一些帮助来更改“开始”菜单。 在这里,我们汇总了一些有用的技巧,这些技巧将帮助您控制和掌握Windows 7和Vista中的“开始”菜单。

Add Videos to Start Menu (Windows 7)

将视频添加到“开始”菜单(Windows 7)

There are links to several things on the Start Menu by default, but the Videos folder is not one of them. To add it right-click on the Start button and select Properties, and under the Start Menu tab click on Customize.

默认情况下,“开始”菜单上有一些链接,但“视频”文件夹不是其中之一。 要添加它,请右键单击“开始”按钮并选择“属性”,然后在“开始菜单”选项卡下单击“自定义”。

在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Now scroll down to Videos and select Display as a link and click Ok.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Videos now appears on your Start Menu.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Add Internet Search to Start Menu


A few weeks ago we showed you how to  search websites from your desktop using search connectors in Windows 7. Another neat trick is adding Internet search to the Start menu (this uses Local Group Policy Editor which is only available in Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate versions of Windows 7).

几周前,我们向您展示了如何使用 Windows 7中的搜索连接器从桌面搜索网站 。另一个巧妙的技巧是将Internet搜索添加到“开始”菜单中(这使用“本地组策略编辑器”,该编辑器仅在Professional,Enterprise和Ultimate中可用)。 Windows 7版本)。

Go to Start and type in gpedit.msc into the search box.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

In Local Group Policy Editor go to User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Start Menu and Taskbar.

在“本地组策略编辑器”中,转到“用户配置” \“管理模板” \“开始”菜单和任务栏。

在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Under Setting double click on Add Search Internet link to Start Menu.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Set it to Enabled and hit Apply and OK.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Now when you go to search from something from the Start Menu you will see the Search the Internet link.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Show More Recent Programs Without making the Start Menu huge


The program icons in the Start Menu are large by default and if you want to display more recent programs, it makes the menu much larger on the screen.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

We can make the icons smaller and add more items by right-clicking on Start \ Properties and click the Customize button. Scroll down and uncheck the box next to Use large icons then click Ok. Under Start menu size increase the number of recent programs to display. 

通过右键单击“开始” \“属性”,然后单击“自定义”按钮,我们可以缩小图标并添加更多项目。 向下滚动并取消选中“ 使用大图标 ”旁边的框,然后单击“确定”。 在开始菜单大小下,增加要显示的最近程序的数量。

在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

The result is smaller icons with more being displayed in the menu without taking up extra screen real estate like in this example.


在Windows 7和Vista中调整“开始”菜单

Even More Start Menu Tweaks


Here’s a list of more Start Menu tweaks that we’ve already covered,but are worth revisiting to help you take control of the menu. Most of these are for Windows 7 and Vista but a few are for XP too.

这是我们已经介绍的更多“开始菜单”调整的列表,但是有必要再次讨论以帮助您控制菜单。 其中大多数用于Windows 7和Vista,但也有一些用于XP。

These should get you started for now, and we’ll undoubtedly have more in the future. How about you guys? Share some of your favorite Start Menu tweaks that help you manage Windows more effectively.

这些应该可以帮助您立即开始使用,毫无疑问,将来我们还会有更多。 你们呢? 分享一些您喜欢的“开始菜单”调整,以帮助您更有效地管理Windows。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5645/tweak-the-start-menu-in-windows-7-and-vista/