在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

If you are using a desktop computer, chances are that you don’t want the computer to go to sleep automatically. This is even more the case if you are running Windows 7 or Vista in a virtual machine for testing purposes.

如果您使用的是台式计算机,则很可能不想让计算机自动进入睡眠状态。 如果您出于测试目的在虚拟机中运行Windows 7或Vista,则更是如此。

Disabling Power Management in Windows 7

在Windows 7中禁用电源管理

Start by clicking on the power icon, and open up the More power options:


在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

Under the “Additional plans” section, select High Performance, then “Change plan settings”:


在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

Then change everything to “Never”, and save the changes:


在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

Disabling Power Management in Vista


Disabling power management is simple and easy. First go to the start menu and click on the Control Panel.

禁用电源管理非常简单。 首先转到开始菜单,然后单击控制面板。

Click on the System and Maintenance link:


在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

Then click on the Power Options link:


在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

Then select High Performance:


在Windows 7或Vista上禁用电源管理

This will disable the automatic sleep mode, but will still turn off the display. You can click on Change Plan Settings to disable that as well if you want.

这将禁用自动睡眠模式,但仍将关闭显示屏。 如果需要,您也可以单击“更改计划设置”将其禁用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-power-management-on-windows-vista/