vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista


The single most visible change in Windows 7 is the new “dock style” taskbar, which shows icons instead of buttons, with all application windows combined within a single button. I’m quite certain that the very first question many people will have is “How do I turn it off?”, and this article will show you how.

Windows 7中最明显的变化是新的“停靠样式”任务栏,它显示图标而不是按钮,所有应用程序窗口都组合在一个按钮中。 我可以肯定,许多人会首先遇到的问题是“如何关闭它?”,这篇文章将向您展示。

Note that I’m not advocating going backwards, I’m a fan of the new style and think you should give it a chance… but we’re all about giving you options, so here we go…


For those that haven’t already read our coverage of the Windows 7 Beta, this is what the new taskbar looks like:

对于尚未阅读我们对Windows 7 Beta的报道的人 ,新任务栏如下所示:

vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

Changing the Windows 7 Taskbar to XP/Vista Style

将Windows 7任务栏更改为XP / Vista样式

To revert back to the older style, the first thing you’ll need to do is right-click on any open area of the taskbar and choose Properties from the menu.


vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

From the Taskbar buttons drop-down menu, you’ll want to choose “Never combine”, which will make every window show up as a separate button on the taskbar, or you could choose “Combine when taskbar is full”, which does just like it says.


vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

Now you should see the buttons show up with text labels like you are probably used to… but in the Windows 7 style.

现在,您应该看到按钮显示有文本标签,就像您可能习惯于…但是采用Windows 7样式。

vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

If you chose the “Use small icons” checkbox in the properties screen, the taskbar will actually shrink down to look very similar to Vista.


vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

The only problem is that the “pinned” icons are still sitting on the taskbar, which isn’t the same as Vista or XP, but you can easily remove all of them by right-clicking and choosing “Unpin this program from taskbar”.


vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

And now the taskbar looks and works very similarly to Windows Vista:

现在,任务栏的外观和工作方式与Windows Vista非常相似:

vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

If you wanted to be really silly, you can choose the “Windows Classic” theme under the Desktop \ Personalize section… but that would be taking it a little too far, I think.

如果您想真正变得愚蠢,可以在“桌面\个性化”部分下选择“ Windows经典”主题…但是,我认为这可能会有点过头。

vista任务栏透明_使Windows 7任务栏更像Windows XP或Vista

I strongly urge you to at least give the new Windows 7 taskbar a try… it takes a little getting used to, but it’s really a nice move forward. Does the new “dock style” taskbar work for you? Tell us in the comments.

我强烈建议您至少尝试一下新的Windows 7任务栏……这需要一点时间来适应,但这确实是一个不错的进步。 新的“停靠样式”任务栏对您有用吗? 在评论中告诉我们。

