


I think there are a lot of resources that are important but people might not have seen or skipped over it. So I am putting up a list of the most overlooked but important resources.

我认为有很多重要的资源,但是人们可能没有看到或跳过。 因此,我列出了最被忽视但最重要的资源。

Getting started The best way to get started if you know nothing about Unity is to go through the 3D Platform Tutorial. With this in-depth tutorial you can learn how to make a 3rd person platform game in Unity, but at the same time you will learn all the basics of Unity that will give you a head start when creating your own game.

入门如果您对Unity一无所知,最好的入门方法是阅读3D平台教程 。 通过这个深入的教程,您可以学习如何在Unity中制作第三人称平台游戏,但是同时,您还将学习Unity的所有基础知识,这将使您在创建自己的游戏时先行一步。

Unity Locomotion system If you are doing a lot of character animation in your game, you must check this out. Rune’s Locomotion system was presented at GDC 2009 in a fully packed session. The great thing about it is that it does stylized IK, meaning that it uses the existing animations to do good looking motions and only minimally adjusts them to place feet on the ground etc. It also scales really well, you can start out with a simple walk cycle and it will automatically synthesize sidestep / run / backwards animations for you. If you provide more animations the animations will simply look better.

Unity Locomotion系统如果您要在游戏中进行大量角色动画制作,则必须检查一下。 符文的Locomotion系统在2009年GDC上进行了全面介绍。 很棒的是,它可以对IK进行样式化,这意味着它可以使用现有的动画来进行漂亮的运动,并且仅对其进行最小程度的调整即可将脚放在地面上等。它的缩放比例也非常好,您可以从简单的步骤开始步行周期,它将自动为您合成回避/奔跑/向后动画。 如果您提供更多的动画,这些动画将看起来更好。

Get the project folder here


Watch the Unite 2008 talk here.

此处观看Unite 2008演讲。

Visual Studio Integration In our roadmap we announced Visual Studio integration for Unity 2.6. However you can already use Unity with Visual Studio very well. Lucas Meijer has a blog post on how to create Visual Studio projects from a Unity Project folder automatically here.

Visual Studio集成路线图中,我们宣布了Unity 2.6的Visual Studio集成。 但是,您已经可以很好地将Unity与Visual Studio结合使用。 卢卡斯·梅杰对如何从统一项目文件夹中创建的Visual Studio项目自动博客文章在这里

Shaders Amir’s Unite 2008 Shader talk is the defacto best tutorial on building shaders. He reshot the session into a 2 hour talk so he could go through all the details.

Shaders Amir的Unite 2008 Shader演讲是有关建筑物着色器的事实上的最佳教程。 他将会议重拍为2小时的谈话,以便他可以详细了解所有细节。

Customizing the asset pipeline Lucas is really into tightly controlling the asset pipeline and automating every single bit. Fortunately Unity is very extendable, so he has a lot of places where he can plug in. Watch the talk here.

定制资产管道 Lucas实际上是在严格控制资产管道并自动执行每一比特。 幸运的是,Unity具有很好的可扩展性,因此他在很多地方都可以插入电源。在此处观看演讲

Matthew’s Physics Talk at Unite 2008 I generally love hearing Matthew’s talks. Got to love the pictures. This year on car physics was very useful.

在Unite 2008上的马修物理演讲我通常喜欢听马修的演讲 。 爱上了照片。 今年的汽车物理非常有用。

Unity GUI Nich’s Unite 2007 talk on how to create your own GUI controls is still very relevant.

Unity GUI Nich在Unite 2007上关于如何创建自己的GUI控件的演讲仍然非常重要。

The wizkid Forest talks about particles Forest Johnson, a (then) 15 year old kid single handedly programmed the Avert Fate demo, he did some awesome particle effects too and then gave a kickass impromptu particle talk at Unite 2007.

狡猾的Forest谈论粒子。Forest Johnson是一个15岁的孩子,当时他是一个单手编写Avert Fate演示程序的人,他也做了一些很棒的粒子效果,然后在Unite 2007上做了一个即兴的即兴粒子演讲


Rune on dynamic walking

Amir on shaders


Lucas on pipeline

Matthew on physics


Nich on Unity GUI

Forest on particles








Nich在Unity GUI上


Blogs about Unity: The Flashbang guys have an awesome blog about Unity, that contains deep technical information that sometimes even I didn’t know about.

关于Unity的博客: Flashbang伙计们有一个关于Unity的很棒的博客 ,其中包含有时甚至我都不知道的深层技术信息。

Lucas has a great blog about Unity with a lot of very useful information.

卢卡斯(Lucas)有一个关于Unity的很棒的博客 ,其中包含许多非常有用的信息。

Somebody made  a site collecting video tutorials about Unity.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/04/14/resources-everyone-should-see/
