

After years of being able to manage your photos by connecting your iOS device to your computer, the inclusion of iCloud Photo Library in iOS 8.3 changed things. Post iOS 8.3, you can no longer delete pictures from your device like you used to if you’ve got iCloud Photo Library enabled. Read on as we show you how to get back to managing your files the way you want.

通过将iOS设备连接到计算机可以管理照片多年之后,iOS 8.3中包含的iCloud照片库改变了一切。 在iOS 8.3之后,如果启用了iCloud照片库,则无法再像以前那样从设备中删除图片。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何以所需的方式恢复管理文件。

有什么问题? (What’s the Problem?)

In iOS versions leading up to iOS 8.3, it was never a problem to connect your iPhone, iPad, or other iOS device to your computer, and then transfer and then delete photos and movies off the device’s mobile storage much like you would with a flash drive.

在iOS 8.3之前的iOS版本中,将iPhone,iPad或其他iOS设备连接到计算机,然后像使用闪光灯一样从设备的移动存储中传输然后删除照片和电影,这从来没有问题。驾驶。

The introduction of iCloud Photo Library in iOS 8.3 changed the file permissions for all image and movie files in an iCloud-managed directory. After the change, you could no longer delete a photo off your device while it was mounted as a removable device (although you could always delete it using the Photo app on the device itself).

iOS 8.3中引入的iCloud照片库更改了iCloud管理的目录中所有图像和电影文件的文件权限。 更改后,您无法再将照片作为可移动设备安装在设备上删除照片(尽管您始终可以使用设备本身上的“照片”应用程序将其删除)。

This change not only broke the simple act of manually curating your photos from the comfort of your computer, but it also broke any application workflow that relied on importing and then deleting media content.


As long as the device is linked to an iCloud account with picture management enabled, you cannot remove files unless you do so on the device.


有什么解决方案? (What’s the Solution?)

The solution, as you may have guessed, is to disable iCloud picture management on any iOS device you want to manage manually (or use a third-party photo management application). You don’t have to completely disable iCloud (you can continue to use iCloud for your contacts, calendar, and other functions), but you do have to disable all the photo backup and sharing options.

您可能已经猜到,解决方案是在要手动管理(或使用第三方照片管理应用程序)的任何iOS设备上禁用iCloud图片管理。 您不必完全禁用iCloud(您可以继续将iCloud用于联系人,日历和其他功能),但是必须禁用所有照片备份和共享选项。

We really wish there was a better way to go about this. It’s unfortunate that you have to sacrifice the backup and convenient sharing that comes with iCloud photo management, but as of this tutorial there’s no way around the permission system instituted when iCloud photo management is enabled.

我们真的希望有更好的方法来解决此问题。 不幸的是,您必须牺牲iCloud照片管理随附的备份和方便的共享,但是截至本教程为止,启用iCloud照片管理时无法建立权限系统。


To disable iCloud photo management on your iOS device navigate to Settings > iCloud > Photos, and then uncheck the “iCloud Photo Library” option. Strangely, you don’t have to disable “My Photo Stream,” “Upload Burst Photos,” or “iCloud Photo Sharing”—just “iCloud Photo Library.”

要在iOS设备上禁用iCloud照片管理,请导航至“设置”>“ iCloud”>“照片”,然后取消选中“ iCloud照片库”选项。 奇怪的是,你不必禁用“我的照片流”,“上传多幅连拍照片”或“iCloud的照片共享” - 只是 “ iCloud的照片库”

Once you’ve toggled the above settings, you’re free to connect your device to your computer, and then manually manage your photos. No iOS device restart necessary—the change in permissions takes place immediately after your change the settings.

切换以上设置后,即可将设备连接到计算机,然后手动管理照片。 无需重启iOS设备-更改设置后立即进行权限更改。

Have a pressing question about your misbehaving device? Shoot us your question at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对于您的行为异常的设备有紧迫的问题吗? 通过[email protected]向我们提出您的问题,我们将尽力回答。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/219092/why-cant-i-delete-photos-off-my-iphone-anymore/