java 托盘图标_从系统托盘中删除Java图标

java 托盘图标_从系统托盘中删除Java图标

java 托盘图标

Why does every single application insist on installing a completely useless icon into the system tray? It would be one thing if it performed some function, but it doesn’t do anything that you can’t do from your control panel. The least they could have done is have a dialog during the setup process that says “Would you like a useless icon in your system tray?” 

为什么每个应用程序都坚持要在系统托盘中安装完全无用的图标? 如果它执行某些功能,那将是一回事,但是它并没有执行您无法从控制面板执行的任何操作。 他们至少可以做的是在设置过程中出现一个对话框,提示“您是否希望系统托盘中没有用的图标?”

Anyway, let’s get to removing that Java icon… if the icon is currently visible, you can just right-click it and open the Control Panel from there, but you’ll get a warning dialog when running Vista.


java 托盘图标_从系统托盘中删除Java图标

If the icon isn’t currently visible, you can still get to the Java control panel by going to the Vista (or XP) Control Panel and looking for the Java icon. On Vista, you’ll have to first click on Additional Options:

如果该图标当前不可见,您仍然可以通过转到Vista(或XP)控制面板并查找Java图标来进入Java控制面板。 在Vista上,您必须先单击“其他选项”:

java 托盘图标_从系统托盘中删除Java图标

And then click on Java:


java 托盘图标_从系统托盘中删除Java图标

Now go to the Advanced tab, click on Miscellaneous and then uncheck “Place java icon in system tray”


java 托盘图标_从系统托盘中删除Java图标

Much better.


Note that the currently displayed icon won’t go away immediately, you’ll have to right-click and choose Hide.



java 托盘图标