



Most of us have more than one email address these days – it makes it easier to keep different areas of life separate. But having to switch between email accounts can be a pain. With Gmail, you can set things up so you can send from multiple accounts without the need to keep switching.

如今,我们大多数人都拥有一个以上的电子邮件地址-可以更轻松地将不同的生活领域分开。 但是必须在电子邮件帐户之间切换可能会很麻烦。 使用Gmail,您可以进行设置,以便从多个帐户发送邮件而无需继续切换。

Head over to Gmail, click the cog icon beneath your user image, and select Settings from the menu that appears. Now move to the ‘Accounts and Import’ section.

转到Gmail ,单击用户图像下方的齿轮图标,然后从出现的菜单中选择设置。 现在转到“帐户和导入”部分。


In the ‘Send mail as’ section, click the ‘Add another email address you own’ link. Enter the email address you would like to be able to send from and then click Next Step.

在“发送邮件为”部分中,单击“添加您拥有的另一个电子邮件地址”链接。 输入您想发送的电子邮件地址,然后单击下一步。


You can run through the process of configuring SMTP server details if you like, but Gmail can take care of it and simplify everything if you prefer. Make sure that you have the ‘Send through Gmail’ option selected and then click Next Step.

如果愿意,您可以完成配置SMTP服务器详细信息的过程,但是Gmail可以解决此问题,并且可以根据需要简化所有操作。 确保已选择“通过Gmail发送”选项,然后单击“下一步”。


Click the Send Verification button and an email will be sent out to the email address you have specified – this is to check that you are genuinely the owner of the address. When you receive the email you can either click the link it contains or enter the verification code included to confirm your identity.

单击“发送验证”按钮,一封电子邮件将发送到您指定的电子邮件地址-这是为了检查您是否确实是该地址的所有者。 收到电子邮件后,您可以单击其中包含的链接,也可以输入包含的验证码以确认您的身份。


When you compose a new email, click the down arrow in the From field to choose which of your configured email accounts should be used to send the current email before continuing with the email as normal.



Gmail will still default to using your main Google email address if you do not opt to use another one, but this behavior can be changed. Head back to the ‘Accounts and Import’ section of Settings and you can then click the ‘make default’ link next to the email address you would like to use.

如果您不选择使用另一个Gmail,Gmail仍将默认使用您的主要Google电子邮件地址,但是可以更改此行为。 回到“设置”的“帐户和导入”部分,然后您可以单击要使用的电子邮件地址旁边的“设为默认”链接。


If you’re looking to consolidate multiple email addresses into one, you can also configure Gmail to receive emails from other accounts you own.


It’s that simple. Gmail can now be used as your sole email tool no matter how many email addresses you have.

就这么简单。 现在,无论您拥有多少个电子邮件地址,Gmail都可以用作您唯一的电子邮件工具。

