



If you use any Google services—Gmail, Drive, Photos, Google+, etc.—then you undoubtedly have a Google Profile. When you set up your Gmail account, you included information about yourself, like your name, birthday, and even places you’ve lived. If you haven’t taken the necessary steps to ensure this information stays private, then it could be out there for the whole world to see.

如果您使用任何Google服务(Gmail,云端硬盘,照片,Google +等),那么您无疑拥有Google个人资料。 设置Gmail帐户时,您会包含有关您自己的信息,例如姓名,生日,甚至您居住的地方。 如果您没有采取必要的步骤来确保此信息不公开,那么全世界可能会看到它。

This information expands when you use more Google services. For example, if you use (or have ever used) Google+, then you likely have your work and personal emails, place of employment, places you’ve lived, and possibly even your phone number listed.

当您使用更多Google服务时,此信息会扩展。 例如,如果您使用(或曾经使用过)Google+,那么您可能会列出您的工作和个人电子邮件,工作地点,居住地,甚至可能列出您的电话号码。

Thankfully, it’s incredibly easy to adjust this information. Google keeps your personal profile neatly tucked away in a simple About Me page. Once you head there, you can start to see what other people can see—and stop them from seeing it if you’d like.

值得庆幸的是,调整此信息非常容易。 Google在一个简单的“ 关于我”页面中将您的个人资料整理得井井有条。 前往那里后,您可以开始查看其他人可以看到的内容,并根据需要阻止他们看到它。


It starts with the simplest stuff first: your name. You can not only change your name here, but also add a nickname if you’d like, and select your display name—just click the little pencil icon on the right side to get started.

首先从最简单的东西开始:您的名字。 您不仅可以在这里更改名称,还可以根据需要添加昵称,然后选择显示名称-只需单击右侧的小铅笔图标即可开始。


As noted at the bottom of the page, it’s worth keeping in mind that if you change your name here, it will change throughout all Google products. So if you use your Gmail address for professional communications, it’s probably not the best idea to change your name to Namey McNameface.

如页面底部所述,请记住,如果您在此处更改名称,则所有Google产品中的名称都会更改。 因此,如果您使用Gmail地址进行专业交流,将名称更改为Namey McNameface可能不是最好的主意。

Below your name is where the meat and potatoes of your profile is found: contact info, work history, places you’ve lived, sites and other social networks, gender, birthday, and story. Pretty much all of these follow a common pattern when it comes to setting your privacy, making it simple to quickly go through and tweak.

在您的名字下方可以找到您的个人资料所在的位置:联系信息,工作历史,您住过的地方,网站和其他社交网络,性别,生日和故事。 在设置您的隐私时,几乎所有这些方法都遵循一种通用模式,从而使快速浏览和调整变得很简单。


Before we get into that, however, let’s first talk about how Google breaks this down, since it’s not as simple as “public” or “private” like you may think. This is really based around Google+ (but still applies to all of your Google account), so it offers more variety in terms of who can see your info:

不过,在深入探讨之前,让我们先来谈谈Google如何解决这个问题,因为它并不像您想的那样简单到“公开”或“私有”。 这实际上是基于Google+的(但仍然适用于您的所有Google帐户),因此在谁可以看到您的信息方面,它提供了更多选择:

  • Public: Anyone can see this information. Good for anything you don’t mind everyone knowing.

    公开:任何人都可以看到此信息。 有益于您不介意所有人都知道的任何事情。

  • Private: This is totally hidden from anyone aside from you. Use this setting for information you’d rather keep personal.

    私人:这对您以外的任何人都是完全隐藏的。 使用此设置可获取您希望保持个人身份的信息。

  • Your Circles: Anyone you’ve circled on Google+ will be able to see this info. Use this if you use Google+ a lot and are particular about who you add to your circles.

    您的圈子:您在Google+上圈子的任何人都可以看到此信息。 如果您经常使用Google+,并且对于将您添加到圈子中的人特别关注,请使用此功能。

  • Extended Circles: This covers everyone in your circles and everyone in their circles—similar to “Friends of Friends” on Facebook. The reach is much broader here, but info is still hidden from some people.

    扩展的圈子:涵盖了您圈子中的每个人以及圈子中的每个人,类似于Facebook上的“朋友之友”。 此处的覆盖面要广得多,但某些人仍然看不到信息。

  • Custom: This is where you can be very specific about who can see this information by sharing it with specific circles. For example, you may not mind your Family or Work circles seeing your email address, but you may be less inclined to let your “Following” circle get this info. You can even share with specific contacts (instead of whole groups). It gets really granular, which is great.

    自定义:您可以在此非常具体地确定谁可以通过与特定圈子分享信息来查看此信息。 例如,您可能不介意“家庭”或“工作”圈子看到您的电子邮件地址,但是您可能不太愿意让“关注”圈子获取此信息。 您甚至可以与特定的联系人(而不是整个组)共享。 它真的很细,这很棒。


If you don’t use Google+ at all, then you probably won’t have any circles to share info with. In that case, you can either go black and white—public or private—or simply pick and choose which Google contacts you’re cool with sharing the info with.

如果您根本不使用Google+,那么您可能没有任何圈子可以分享信息。 在这种情况下,您可以选择黑白(公开或私人),也可以选择与您共享信息的Google联系人。

And that’s how this works across the board: click the pencil icon to edit the displayed information (or add to it), then click the privacy level indicator to modify the current viewing privileges.


It’s worth noting that for most of these settings, the privacy level indicator is just an icon: a green globe means it’s public, while a lock icon means private. This isn’t just for looks, however—these are clickable! Many people may not realize that, as it’s easy to overlook.

值得注意的是,对于大多数设置,隐私级别指示器只是一个图标:绿色地球仪表示它是公共的,而锁图标则表示私有。 但是,这不仅用于外观,而且这些都是可单击的! 许多人可能没有意识到,因为很容易忽略。


I can appreciate how granular these settings really are—nearly each individual entry can be set accordingly. For example, I don’t mind people seeing any links I provide, but I prefer to set the places I’ve lived only visible for those in my circles. And my birthday? Well, that’s private. I just can’t stand getting 100 “Happy Birthday!” messages from people I don’t even know. It’s just silly.

我很欣赏这些设置的真实程度,几乎每个单独的条目都可以进行相应的设置。 例如,我不介意别人看到我提供的任何链接,但我更愿意将自己居住的地方设置为仅对圈子中的人可见。 还有我的生日? 好吧,那是私人的。 我简直受不了获得100个“生日快乐!” 来自我什至不认识的人的消息。 真傻。

Lastly, there are a couple of other things at the bottom of this profile worth talking about. First, there’s “Your Album Archive,” which may be a little confusing at first. Basically, this is where you can see all your photos—everything from Google+, every tagged photo, everything you’ve uploaded to Google Photos, and the like. It’s the whole shebang. This archive itself is always private since it’s yours, but if you’ve uploaded public photos to G+, the originals are still public.

最后,此配置文件底部还有其他几件事值得一谈。 首先,有“您的专辑存档”,一开始可能会有些混乱。 基本上,您可以在这里查看所有照片-所有来自Google+的照片,每个带有标签的照片,上传到Google相册的所有照片,等等。 这是整个shebang。 该存档本身是您的 ,因此始终是私有的,但是如果您已将公开照片上传到G +,则原始照片仍然是公开的。


Secondly, there’s a little plus sign in the bottom right corner—this is how you add info. So if you’d like to add your personal contact information (instead of just work), you can do so here. Or if you don’t have all of the above-mentioned categories in this post, this is where you’ll add them if you’d like. And of course, you can set all your privacy info once you’re done.

其次,右下角有一个加号-这就是您添加信息的方式。 因此,如果您想添加个人联系信息(而不仅仅是工作),可以在这里添加。 或者,如果您在这篇文章中没有上述所有类别,则可以在此处添加它们。 当然,一旦完成,您就可以设置所有隐私信息。


It’s worth keeping in mind that this just applies to your Google Profile and the information shown on it. It won’t change what Google shows about you when someone searches for your name—only the information held by Google itself.

请记住,这仅适用于您的Google个人资料及其上显示的信息。 当某人搜索您的姓名时,它不会更改Google会显示的关于您的信息,而只会更改Google自身持有的信息。

