



In this day and age of weak battery life, it’s incredibly important to keep an eye on your usage. Unfortunately, Android doesn’t show you exactly how much battery you have left–just a vague graphic. Here’s how to add a more exact percentage to that icon.

在当今电池寿命短的时代,密切注意使用情况至关重要。 不幸的是,Android不能准确显示剩余电量,只是模糊的图形。 这是向该图标添加更准确的百分比的方法。

You can always see the percentage of your battery by dragging down on the notification bar twice, but that doesn’t exactly give you “at a glance” monitoring. You can enable always-on battery percentage in Android 6.0 Marshmallow with a somewhat hidden setting, and in 4.4 KitKat and 5.0 Lollipop with a very hidden setting.

您始终可以通过两次在通知栏上向下拖动来查看电池电量百分比,但这并不能完全“一目了然”地进行监控。 您可以在具有某些隐藏设置的Android 6.0棉花糖中启用永远在线的电池百分比,并在具有非常隐藏设置的4.4 KitKat和5.0 Lollipop中启用永远在线的电池百分比。

如何在Android棉花糖中显示电池的百分比 (How to Show Your Battery’s Percentage in Android Marshmallow)

To turn this feature on in Marshmallow, you’ll need to enable Marshmallow’s “System UI Tuner”, which gives you access to some hidden settings.


Pull down your notification shade, then pull down a second time to show the Quick Settings panel. (You can also pull the notification shade down with two fingers to reveal this panel.) Find the settings gear along the top.

下拉通知栏,然后再次下拉以显示“快速设置”面板。 (您也可以用两根手指将通知阴影向下拉,以显示该面板。)找到顶部的设置齿轮。


Long-press on this gear icon for a few seconds until it starts to spin. Release your finger, and you should see a popup that tells you the System UI Tuner was enabled.

长按此齿轮图标几秒钟,直到它开始旋转。 松开手指,您应该会看到一个弹出窗口,告诉您已启用系统UI调谐器。


Tap the System UI Tuner option in the Settings window that appears, and accept the warning that pops up.



On the System UI Tuner page, turn “Show embedded battery percentage” on. Your battery icon will now display your level of charge at all times.

在“系统UI调谐器”页面上,打开“显示嵌入式电池百分比”。 现在,电池图标将始终显示您的电量。


如何在Android KitKat和Lollipop中显示电池的百分比 (How to Show Your Battery’s Percentage in Android KitKat and Lollipop)

KitKat and Lollipop actually have this feature built-in, but the setting is even more hidden. In fact, the setting doesn’t exist at all! The only way to disable it is with a few ADB commands, or the Battery Percent Enabler app from the Google Play Store. You don’t need to be rooted or anything to use this, so most KitKat and Lollipop phones should find this works with the below instructions.

KitKat和Lollipop实际上内置了此功能,但是设置更加隐蔽。 实际上,该设置根本不存在! 禁用它的唯一方法是使用一些ADB命令或Google Play商店中的Battery Percent Enabler应用程序。 您无需扎根或使用任何工具,因此大多数KitKat和Lollipop手机都应按照以下说明进行操作。

Open the Google Play Store on your phone (or head to the Google Play Store in your computer’s browser) and search for Battery Percent Enabler. Select the app from “kroegerama” (there are a few apps with the same name).

在手机上打开Goog​​le Play商店(或在计算机的浏览器中转到Google Play商店 ),然后搜索Battery Percent Enabler。 从“ kroegerama”中选择应用程序(有一些同名应用程序)。

You can also click this link to go straight to the Battery Percent Enabler’s page on your computer or phone.



Click the “Install” button to install it to your device. (If you’re doing this from a desktop browser, make sure you’ve selected the correct device from the dropdown list).

单击“安装”按钮将其安装到您的设备。 (如果您是通过台式机浏览器执行此操作,请确保从下拉列表中选择了正确的设备)。

Once installed, click the “Open” button that appears (or navigate to the app in your app drawer).



Check the “Enable Battery Percent” box and reboot your phone.



After rebooting your phone, you should find that Android’s battery icon shows how much of a charge it has.



There is one downside, though: on some phones, the percentage text is white, the same color as the battery icon. So you can only see the battery percentage if your battery is more than halfway drained, so the white text is on the empty gray background. It’s clear this was an unfinished feature for KitKat and Lollipop (probably why it was hidden!) but it’s still better than nothing.

不过有一个缺点:在某些手机上,百分比文本为白色,与电池图标的颜色相同。 因此,只有在电池电量耗尽一半以上时,才能看到电池百分比,因此白色文本位于灰色的空白背景上。 显然,这对于KitKat和Lollipop来说是一个未完成的功能(可能是为什么它被隐藏了!),但总比没有好。

There are plenty of other apps that add battery percentage to your menu bar, but they show as their own separate notifications, not part of Android’s built-in battery. We think the above solution is the best for pre-Masrshmallow phones.

还有许多其他应用程序会在菜单栏中增加电池电量百分比,但它们会显示为自己的单独通知,而不是Android内置电池的一部分。 我们认为上述解决方案是最适合棉花糖前手机的解决方案。

Keeping an eye on your battery’s life is only step one: the real trick is knowing how to extend your phone’s battery as long as possible. For more information, check out our beginner and advanced guides to extending your Android battery life.

留意电池寿命只是第一步:真正的诀窍是知道如何尽可能延长手机的电池寿命。 有关更多信息,请查看我们的初学者高级指南,以延长您的Android电池寿命。

