
When I finished the training plan,I think about it so much。This blog I will show you the cultural difference between China and the US。




In the airplane ,grandpa talked with a lady why don't want to live with his family.He said  he want to  be a independence。

From this selection ,In America,the goal of the family is to encourage independence。But In  China, elders are traditionally treated with enormous respect and dignity while the young people are cherished and nurtured。Of cause,I'm not saying the two ones are better。I just want to say the cultural difference between China and the US.




 When Robbie graduated from the high school,He asked his father how to choose a major in college。His father said “it's up to you,but I can give you some advice” In China,when most young people graduated from senior school,their major will decide by their parents。

So we can gain a result, Chinese people focus on their children'major in the future。They focus on  how much money children get,but in America they  respect their children to purse what they want to do




I remember Philip bring his Robbie talking with a University President about how To choose a major in college.When they  finished this conversion,robbie said to hisDad “thanks dad,thank you be a understanding father”Americans regard this day as Thanksgiving Day .In this day,the family give their thanksgiving each other. Chinese people usually too shy to express their thinking.

Call to elders


In our tradional country,it's important that how to call to elders.we always call uncle whose age like father.we always call aunt whose age like mother .we always call grandpa whose age like our real  gradpa 。But In American ,they call Mr.or Ms.like their parents age.For example ,alexandra calls robbit's grandpa Mr.steward.

I like this free, independent and respectful family.Do you like it ?You're welcome to leave your comments.